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Replacing nouns with direct/indirect object pronouns


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Antiguo February 08, 2011, 12:20 AM
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Replacing nouns with direct/indirect object pronouns

How can I replace the nouns with direct and indirect object prounouns from the following sentences:

Here is an example:

Le sirvo la comida a la familia.

This would be changed to:

Se la sirvo.

Here are the sentences I'm trying to do this for:

1. Les traigo la bolsa a mis padres.

2. Les pido la heladera a mis amigos.

3. Le compro un refresco a mi hijo.

4. Les preparo los bacadillos a los niños.

5. Me hago una ensalada.

6. Le pongo sal a la ensalada.

7. Mi hermano le echa hielo a mi refresco.

8. Mi madre nos da la receta de la carne asada.

Thanks so much!

Última edición por reising1 fecha: February 08, 2011 a las 12:25 AM
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Antiguo February 08, 2011, 01:19 AM
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Escrito originalmente por reising1 Ver Mensaje
How can I replace the nouns with direct and indirect object prounouns from the following sentences:

Here is an example:

Le sirvo la comida a la familia.

This would be changed to:

Se la sirvo.

Here are the sentences I'm trying to do this for:

1. Les traigo la bolsa a mis padres.

2. Les pido la heladera a mis amigos.

3. Le compro un refresco a mi hijo.

4. Les preparo los bacadillos a los niños.

5. Me hago una ensalada.

6. Le pongo sal a la ensalada.

7. Mi hermano le echa hielo a mi refresco.

8. Mi madre nos da la receta de la carne asada.

Thanks so much!
DO pronouns:

Singular: me, te, lo (le), la
Plural: nos, os, los (les), las

IO pronouns:

Singular: me, te, le (se)
Plural: nos, os, les (se)

As you see, the great difference is between lo(s)/la(s) and le(s)/se.

Se is used instead of le/les as an IO when it is used before a DO of 3rd person (lo, la, los, las). So, instead of "le lo dije", you must say "se lo dije".

The first thing you must do is to find the words or words that have the function of DO or IO in the sentence. So, in your first sentence:

Les traigo una bolsa a mis padres.

First thing to do. What is the subject? After you know the subject, the other elements will be objects (complementos) in a simple sentence. The subject must agree in number and person with the verb. In this case, none of the elements agree, so the subject is elided (common in Spanish) and it is "yo".

Second thing to do. What is the direct object? There are several ways to discover the DO in a sentence, the best way is to translate the sentence into passive. But if you are not trained to do it, ye, it is easier (although you can only use this on certain occasions) to ask the verb "¿qué?/¿a quién?". Then I'll ask: ¿qué traigo? The answer is: una bolsa. Bolsa: feminine, singular, OD => LA

Third thing to do. What is the indirect object? The same as before. IO is commonly duplicated in Spanish and answers to the question "¿a quién/para quién? A mis padres. Masculine, plural, IO => LES

Then, just replace:

LES LA traigo.

But, as I said before, "les" before "la" must be changed into "se". So:

SE LA traigo.

Now it is your turn.
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direct object, indirect object, pronouns


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