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Reflexive verbs that admit impersonal reflexive constructionÉste es el lugar para preguntas sobre conjugaciones, tiempos verbales, adverbios, adjetivos, el orden de palabras, sintaxis y otras cuestiones gramaticales en español e inglés. |
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I don't have a better answer, so I'll agree that some pronominals are used to either intensify or emphasize an action.
![]() I'm not sure of how I would translate the nuances here, but maybe some more examples would help... ·El albañil cayó del tercer piso. -> An objective description of the fall. ·El albañil se cayó del tercer piso. -> Underlining it was nobody's fault, but something beyond anyone's control. ·Cada año vamos a la playa. -> Telling about a custom. ·Cada año nos vamos a la playa. -> Underlining the fact that we leave everything behind. ·Comió toda la sopa. -> Simple fact. ·Se comió toda la sopa. -> Emphasis on someone's eating it all up. ·El abuelo murió en su casa. -> Telling what happened. ·El abuelo se murió en su casa. -> No one could have done something about it.
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Thanks again! This whole business is to me just another example of how much more expressive is Spanish than English. The subtleties, the nuances, all endlessly fascinating to these anglo ears.
But the example sentence you offered adresses another function of Se you yourself already guessed before: Cita:
Se me ha estropeado el ordenador/la computadora -> I broke my computer. Se me ha quemado el erroz -> I burnt the rice. Se indicates that the actions took place involuntarily (from the point of view of the speaker) and the personal pronoun me indicates the affected person(s), in your case he/she -> le. I'm not sure which rule you mean because, as I said, I think that you're talking about two rules at the same time (like Angelica pointed at as well). But I'd personally recommend you to use se if you want to indicate "involuntarity"*. That would explain why in your Cita:
the se occurs. To forget sth. can happen involuntarily and to clarify this exact connotation we use se. What confuses me now is your Se les figura que son ricos. I'm not a native so I can not tell whether this sentence feels right or not, or sth. like that. In this case I'd definately listen to what alecCowan said ![]() That they are rich is imagined by them. -> Se los figuran ricos En mi opinion es imposible esa traducción porque la estructura de la Pasiva Refleja es se + verbo transitivo en 3a persona (sing. o plural) + sujeto. Your sentence is missing the subject that is required from the Spanish passive. I'm not sure whether an adequate translation would be se figuran que son ricos (son = ellos = sujeto). I will ask one of my profs about this thing, I'm curious what he says. :> *better translation needed urgently...! |
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Etiquetas |
accidental se, impersonal se, passive voice, pronomial verbs, reflexive |
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