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What are the best online tools for vocabulary learning ? Need tips please :)


Pregunta sobre la definición o traducción de palabras en inglés o español.

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Antiguo August 26, 2014, 09:12 AM
surikate surikate no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2014
Mensajes: 2
surikate is on a distinguished road
What are the best online tools for vocabulary learning ? Need tips please :)

Hi All,

I just moved to Barcelona and I would like to learn Spanish even if I know that Catalan is the spoken language here. I am looking for tools or Social Networks where I can either use an online solution or meet people to teach me Spanish. For now I have found those 3 online communities :

- Nekoplaza
- Babbel
- LiveMocha

Do you guys know any other tools/communities ?

I appreciate your help here. Thanks !

Última edición por AngelicaDeAlquezar fecha: August 26, 2014 a las 01:26 PM Razón: Removed links.
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Antiguo August 27, 2014, 04:16 PM
Manuel Manuel no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2013
Ubicación: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mensajes: 117
Primera Lengua: Dutch / holandés
Manuel is on a distinguished road
I am quite baffled that you are looking for ONLINE solutions when you are right in the middle of Spain itself!!

Why do you not think about going out and meeting Spanish people in real life out there on the street, in bars, cafes, restaurants, clubs, shops, sporting clubs, movie theaters, etc. etc.? Why would you want to form online connections when it is so much more fulfilling and FUN to meet people face to face?
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Antiguo September 01, 2014, 03:20 AM
surikate surikate no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2014
Mensajes: 2
surikate is on a distinguished road
Hi Manuel,

Thx for your message.

By only Solutions, I mean meeting people Online (communities...) that can teach me Spanish face to face.
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Antiguo September 02, 2014, 01:03 PM
Manuel Manuel no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2013
Ubicación: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mensajes: 117
Primera Lengua: Dutch / holandés
Manuel is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por surikate Ver Mensaje
Hi Manuel,

Thx for your message.

By only Solutions, I mean meeting people Online (communities...) that can teach me Spanish face to face.
OK, but why don't you try to meet people face to face? Why not go meet Spaniards in a tapas bar, for example? Or do you feel too shy to do that?
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Antiguo September 02, 2014, 03:22 PM
Avatar de pinosilano
pinosilano pinosilano no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Feb 2011
Ubicación: Salento, South Italy
Mensajes: 759
Primera Lengua: castellano (second language Italian)
pinosilano is on a distinguished road
Si Ud. es tímido como sospecho, tómese una mañana hacíendoles preguntas a los ítranseúntes, sobre direcciones de calles, dónde puede comprar algo, qué hora es y esas cosas tíipicas. Si una de estas personas le interesa particularmente, pués contnue a hacerle preguntas sobre calles y oficinas. Si el interés es recíproco, puedes ser que venga acompañado y verá UD todo el español que sabía sin darse cuenta.
... ...'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
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barcelona, learning, spanish, teaching, vocabulary


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