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Qué porquerÃa es el glóbuloMetodologÃa didáctica, técnicas para aprender, la lingüÃstica-- todo cosa relacionada con el aprendizaje y enseñanza de un idioma extranjero. |
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Qué porquerÃa es el glóbulo
José MarÃa Firpo was a Uruguayan schoolteacher who worked from the late 30s to the 60s. During all his years in several schools he collected funny things his very young students said in the classroom or wrote in homework and exams. Once retired, he published collections of them in books with suggestive titles like "La mosca es un incesto" or "Qué porquerÃa es el glóbulo".
Here you will find some excerpts from the latter. I hope you'll enjoy them and those of you who are studying Spanish will seize the opportunity to enhance their vocabulary and hone their ability to spot what would have been the correct words (if you can't, simply ask here).
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I love comical misuses of language, and probably do it a lot in Spanish. I see the errors in Firpo's quotes, but only sometimes see to humor due to my imperfect knowledge of Spanish. In the USA there was a beloved baseball player named Yogi Berra who was famous for hilarious quotes. Here are some examples. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/03/the...i-berra-quotes
Film producer Samuel Goldwyn was also known for his somewhat illogical quotes. He coined some that are part of standard speech today. For example: include me out, and I'll give you a definite maybe.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias. |
I love Yogi Berra, and his quotations helped me to learn English many years ago. There are some I use in webforums like "It's déjà vu all over again" or variations of one which is not in that list:
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Me encanta el de: You can observe a lot by just watching.
Lo propio de la verdad es que se basta a sà misma, aquel que la posee no intenta convencer a nadie. "An enemy is somebody who flatters you. A friend is somebody who criticizes the living daylights out of you." |
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