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Sensitivo vs Suceptible


Un modismo es cualquier frase cuya significado no es fácil de entender basándose en sus palabras individuales. Este foro es el lugar para cualquier pregunta sobre modismos o cualquier otro dicho.

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Antiguo Ayer, 07:34 PM
deandddd deandddd no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Jan 2012
Mensajes: 152
deandddd is on a distinguished road
Sensitivo vs Suceptible


I am not finding myself able to truly understand the difference between sensitivo and suceptible.

Any hints?

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Antiguo Ayer, 08:37 PM
Avatar de AngelicaDeAlquezar
AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Jan 2009
Ubicación: Mexico City
Mensajes: 9,103
Primera Lengua: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
"Sensitivo" is something or someone capable of feeling physical sensations.
"Susceptible" is someone who gets offended easily.
And there is also "sensible", which can be a synonym of "sensitivo", but when talking about people, it's used to describe someone who is capable of an emotional reaction to something, like appreciating art, getting moved by a noble action, feeling joy/envy for someone else's success, etc.
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