Yesterday I was reading a blog for learning English. The author said that usually listening is not practised enough and we should listen and listen and listen all the day (as a child learns his/her own language). I try to listen one hour a day or sometimes more, but there are days when I don't have enough time to listen (and on weekends that's almost impossible

). I listen Vaughan TV and BBC or CNN, but I find the last two a bit boring after 30 minutes or so of listening to news without understanding about a 70%, more or less.
A student said that he reads and listens to audiobooks and listening and reading at the same time has helped him a lot to understand what is been said and that his exams have been successful with that method. Another one says that he practise listening as much as he can. And so on.
How much time do you spend listening the language you are studying? What do you think the best method is?