Old June 04, 2020, 10:46 PM
deandddd deandddd is offline
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I have a question about the word "solaparse" in Spanish.

Can it mean for one thing to be completely imposed upon another?

Or does it mean to overlap, just one portion over another?

Can this word be used to describe the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon?

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Old June 05, 2020, 10:04 AM
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I believe solapar means both to overlap and to cover (both partially or completely). It can also be used figuratively (to hide the truth/motives/reasons, etc). Keep in mind that solapar (and the noun solapa) is used to refer to lapels on clothing.

When speaking of an eclipse, the first word that comes to mind is "tapar", but you could probably use solapar, bloquear, maybe even esconder, etc.

Wait for a native speaker's opinion as well.
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Old June 05, 2020, 01:00 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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The verb is not my first choice, and I don't think in Mexico it would be widely used, because we use "solapar" with a negative meaning, as to cover up for someone's bad actions.

- Mi mamá siempre le solapa todo a mi hermano.
Mom always forgives everything my brother does.

- No les solapes sus tonterías.
Stop encouraging their foolish behavior.

But yes, with the meaning you're asking about, it can be used to describe an eclipse: "La luna se solapa con el sol".

There are other, more common ways to say it:
- La luna oculta al sol.
- La luna se interpone entre la tierra y el sol.

More colloquially:
- La luna tapa al sol.
- La luna esconde al sol.

Other examples with "solaparse":

- Tengo dos materias que se solapan: una empieza a las 9:00 pero la otra empieza a las 8:30.
I would rather say: "Tengo dos materias que se empalman"
I have two subjects that overlap: one ends at 9:00 but the other starts at 8:30.

- No me gusta ese programa porque la voz del intérprete se solapa con la de las personas que entrevistan.
I would rather say "la voz del intérprete se superpone a la de las personas que entrevistan"
I don't like that show because the voice of the interpreted overlaps with the one of the people being interviewed.
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Last edited by AngelicaDeAlquezar; June 05, 2020 at 09:54 PM. Reason: Corrected wrong sentence.
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Old June 05, 2020, 08:05 PM
deandddd deandddd is offline
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Angelica, Davidisimo,

Thank you both!

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cover, overlap, solapar, solaparse


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