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El noruego es el idioma más fácil de aprender


Siendo los amantes de idiomas que somos... Un lugar para hablar de y escribir en idiomas que no sean inglés y español.

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Antiguo August 15, 2008, 11:40 PM
Avatar de ElDanés
ElDanés ElDanés no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2008
Mensajes: 318
ElDanés is on a distinguished road
Thanks to you both.

Spanish is not the hardest language to learn, but it's hard enough.
And yes, it sounds like a good idea to take it in small steps, like you said Rusty.
¡Correcciones son muy bienvenidas!
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 12:40 AM
Avatar de CrOtALiTo
CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2008
Ubicación: Mérida, Yucatán
Mensajes: 11,686
Primera Lengua: I can understand Spanish and English
CrOtALiTo is on a distinguished road
El Danés good night.

The Spanish ain't hard to learn, look, it's well known in all the world is more the Spanish has a lot of words and all type than English hasn't it, if you want learn faster the Spanish you must enter to website where there're chats rooms and you must meet people in the same chat room people Spanish speakers, in the same talk with the people you going a lil to a lil and you'll see that your Spanish go to get better through of the time, I told you before, you need chat with some one and you practice your Spanish it's necessary, the Spanish has more words than the English but together the language when the person doesn't meet them, it became harder in learn, but if you practice with the speakers natives people it'll became easier.


Anyway nowadays the English is the first language in the world.
We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 02:16 AM
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ElDanés ElDanés no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2008
Mensajes: 318
ElDanés is on a distinguished road
Actually, it's morning where I am, but whatever.

You are right about that using the language helps one learn it faster, but I don't think I need a chat for now, I think this forum is fine for my current needs. I don't participate in the Spanish discussions at the moment, but I try to follow them the best I can.
¡Correcciones son muy bienvenidas!
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 03:21 AM
Avatar de Rusty
Rusty Rusty no está en línea
Señor Speedy
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2007
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Rusty has a spectacular aura aboutRusty has a spectacular aura about

I disagree that Spanish has more words than English. Spanish has about half the words that English has. Don't infer by this statement that I think Spanish is inferior to English in any way. It just has fewer words.
This is because English vocabulary principally comes from two sources, whereas Spanish vocabulary comes principally from one source. Both English and Spanish contain words derived from Latin, but English also has Germanic words that carry the exact same meaning.

Here are just a few examples:
(Germanic / Latin)

anger / rage
ask / inquire
aware / cognizant
before / prior, anti-
begin / commence
belief / creed
bird (adj) / aviary
brave / audacious
brotherly, motherly, fatherly / fraternal, maternal, paternal
building / edifice
cat, dog, cow, wolf (adj) / feline, canine, bovine, lupine
child / infant
cold / frigid
deadly / mortal
delay / moratorium
eye / ocular
follow / ensue
first / primary
forbid / prohibit
freedom / liberty
friendly / amicable
gather / assemble
gift / present
give / provide
god / deity
guess / estimate
harbor / port
hate / detest
height, length, width / altitude, longitude, latitude
help / assist
hill / mount
house / domicile
land / terrain
late / tardy
meet / encounter
mistake / error
moon (adj) / lunar
need / require
other / alien
road / street
rot / putrify
sea (adj) / marine
see / perceive
seem / appear
shape / form
shy / timid
sight / vision
sleeping / dormant
son (adj) / filial
sorrow / grief
strength / fortitude
sun (adj) / solar
thinking / pensive
thought / idea
tongue / language
tree (adj) / arbor
truth / veracity
understand / comprehend
watch / observe
watchful / vigilant
western / occidental
whole / entire
wife / spouse
wild / savage
wise / prudent
wish / desire
womanly, manly / feminine, masculine
wood / forest
worldly / mundane
wrath / ire
youthful / juvenile
yearly / annual
water (adj) / aquatic

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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 09:05 AM
Avatar de CrOtALiTo
CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2008
Ubicación: Mérida, Yucatán
Mensajes: 11,686
Primera Lengua: I can understand Spanish and English
CrOtALiTo is on a distinguished road
Rusty I disagree with you because the Spanish has more words than English now, Do you know it.?, In English the words are very exact, you always need specify all in the English if you don't to do it, never you won't understand the phrase, and Spanish ain't so, in Spanish you can speak with some one of a form more free without that need you find the word exact or understanding about, I think what the Spanish is easier learn, it's faster than English, it's less complicated, the Speakers Spanish has more word than Speakers Mexican or another country here in American Latina, please you must find in the internet, if the English has more words than Spanish or less than the Spanish whatever we are both know what the languages are understanding with very few words.

We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 09:13 AM
Avatar de Tomisimo
Tomisimo Tomisimo no está en línea
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Primera Lengua: American English
Tomisimo will become famous soon enoughTomisimo will become famous soon enough
En cuanto a la facilidad de aprender, el español tiene la ventaja de su ortografía y fontética regulares, y por otro lado, el inglés tiene la ventaja de conjugaciones e inflecciones muy sencillas y regulares. Para uno de habla española que aprende el inglés, la mayor dificultad son los sonidos, sobre todo los de las vocales, que no existen en el español.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 09:40 AM
Avatar de CrOtALiTo
CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2008
Ubicación: Mérida, Yucatán
Mensajes: 11,686
Primera Lengua: I can understand Spanish and English
CrOtALiTo is on a distinguished road
Yeah, I'm agree with you.
We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 04:49 PM
Avatar de María José
María José María José no está en línea
The Rebel Fairy
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Ubicación: Madrid
Mensajes: 1,765
Primera Lengua: Spanish
María José is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por Rusty Ver Mensaje
You did a pretty great job for your first attempt at Spanish! I've made some small corrections for you.

I also liked the article, David. Thanks for sharing.

I wasn't aware that the Danes mumbled a lot.
I'm sure you thought it was just English-speaking people that mumbled... Listening Comprehension exercises are always the most difficult for my students, and they always complain about the way the people on the CD, DVD and even me pronounce things.
German is a lot more difficult for me and if I watch a film I'll probably not understand what they are talking about most of the time but I'm able to isolate the words I know and could even write them down.
That's languages for you, anyway. Each one has it's little quirks and that's what makes them interesting.
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
from Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 07:42 PM
Avatar de Rusty
Rusty Rusty no está en línea
Señor Speedy
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2007
Ubicación: USA
Mensajes: 11,338
Primera Lengua: American English
Rusty has a spectacular aura aboutRusty has a spectacular aura about
Escrito originalmente por CrOtALiTo Ver Mensaje
Rusty I disagree with you because the Spanish has more words than English now, Do you know it.?, In English the words are very exact, you always need specify all in the English if you don't to do it, never you won't understand the phrase, and Spanish ain't so, in Spanish you can speak with some one of a form more free without that need you find the word exact or understanding about, I think what the Spanish is easier learn, it's faster than English, it's less complicated, the Speakers Spanish has more word than Speakers Mexican or another country here in American Latina, please you must find in the internet, if the English has more words than Spanish or less than the Spanish whatever we are both know what the languages are understanding with very few words.

Perhaps I've misunderstood what you were trying to explain. It's hard to understand what you've written, in both posts.

I based my statements on Internet findings, but they were also based on my idea of what you were trying to say. I searched for the language that has the largest vocabulary. According to numerous scholars, English has the largest vocabulary. The next largest in size is German, followed by Russian. Spanish and French tie for fourth place.
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Antiguo August 16, 2008, 11:51 PM
Avatar de Tomisimo
Tomisimo Tomisimo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: May 2006
Ubicación: North America
Mensajes: 5,664
Primera Lengua: American English
Tomisimo will become famous soon enoughTomisimo will become famous soon enough
Escrito originalmente por CrOtALiTo Ver Mensaje
Yeah, I'm agree with you.
Debes decir: Yes, I agree with you.

Escrito originalmente por Rusty Ver Mensaje
Perhaps I've misunderstood what you were trying to explain. It's hard to understand what you've written, in both posts.

I based my statements on Internet findings, but they were also based on my idea of what you were trying to say. I searched for the language that has the largest vocabulary. According to numerous scholars, English has the largest vocabulary. The next largest in size is German, followed by Russian. Spanish and French tie for fourth place.
It depends on what you count as a word, and many other factors. But it is generally accepted that English has more words than any other human language.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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