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Old July 24, 2013, 04:35 AM
ozisonfire ozisonfire is offline
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Thanks Rusty,

Currently having a read through this , making sense to an extent (after reading through your example).

Am i right in saying that this is all about how we need to focus on the phrase rather than the words? To use an example from the link, if I were to directly translate 'John buys me a gift' it would be 'Jaun compra me un regalo', which doesnt make sense in Spannish, it should infact be 'Jaun me compra un regalo', so the rule is that the indirect object 'me' must go before the verb?

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Old July 24, 2013, 08:49 PM
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Yes, the indirect object pronoun precedes the conjugated verb (except for those conjugated in the imperative mood).
Just so you know, the direct object pronoun also precedes the verb.

Juan compra un regalo para mí. = John buys a gift for me. (John buys me a gift.)
Juan me compra un regalo. = John buys me a gift.
Juan me lo compra. = John buys me it. (John buys it for me.)
Él me lo compra. = He buys me it. (He buys it for me.)

The sentences above all convey the same idea.
The first uses no pronouns.
The second sentence replaces 'para mí' with the indirect object pronoun 'me'.
The third example replaces 'un regalo' with the direct object pronoun 'lo'.
The last one replaces 'Juan' with the subject pronoun 'él'.
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Old August 06, 2013, 03:27 AM
ozisonfire ozisonfire is offline
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Thanks again Rusty, helpful stuff.

I have now started using the 'coffee break spannish' podcast to learn some basic conversational Spannish, im finding it really useful - as long as I have google to hand to look up the spellings of the words (helps me remember it).

I think my next step would be to find someone to try and have some basic conversations with, even if it is via skype for now.

Also is there a thread here that I could start to log my Spannish learning journey? I think it might be useful for people to learn from mistakes (of which there will be many), and hopefully learn from methods and sources which I find useful.

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Old August 06, 2013, 05:39 AM
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You can open a thread and post your Spanish learning journey in it. I would recommend the 'General Chat' forum, unless you're going to be speaking about learning techniques that you found useful along the way. In that case, I would recommend the 'Teaching and Learning Techniques' forum.
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Old August 06, 2013, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar View Post
My advice is don't try to translate or understand word for word. Learn the meanings and little by little you will get to know how the individual parts of phrases and sentences work by themselves. Otherwise, you'll get stuck in the dictionaries and that won't help you acquire any fluency.
Incredible advice, words are only catalysts for emotions. Learn new triggers.
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Old August 10, 2013, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by ozisonfire View Post

I am Owain, i am have been attempting to teach myself Spanish on and off for three months now and seem to keep hitting a dead end.

I am a student and cannot really afford lessons, so I am restricted to information available on the internet - however once I believe I have a basic knowledge of the language I am going to invest in a few lessons in order to improve my speaking and listening.

My story so far has gone: 1. Understand spanish pronunciation, so that in basic terms i can read something and pronounce it like it should sound in Spanish (check). 2. Learn some Spanish words using a flash card software program (check) 3. Start stringing words together so i can start speaking spanish (failing) - basically I am stuck on where I need to start, what words do i need to learn in order to make sentences (I, I am, I have, We have, I like etc), as well as which rules I need to learn to make sure what I am saying makes sense - there seems to be lots of sources telling me different things (I spent a long time learning rules which i then found out are no longer widely used ) . I am all together very confused (yet no less determined), so I am here initially to seek guidance on where i should go next.

Any help would be much appreciated .


Hola Owain. I learned Spanish as a beginner as you are. Here are some very importante Spanish words every beginner should learn. I noticed when I was first learning Spanish that these words kept coming up all over the place in Spanish conversations, movies, novelas, books, radio, magazines etc. etc.. If you think of telling a story or about life the most important words are? When?, Where? How? Why, How much? (also who)
Quando, Donde, Como, Por que, Cuanto, (quien)

The words that go along with these words are called "Adverbs"
Put them on flash cards. Put the Spanish on one side and the
English lightly on the other side. Put the phonectic pronunciation if you like.
Also do a search for more adverbs in Spanish.

Adverbs of Time
Adverbios de Tiempo

yesterday ayer

today hoy

tomorrow mañana

now ahora

then entonces

later depues

tonight esta noche

right now ahora

last night anoche

this morning esta mañana

next week la próxima semana

already ya

recently recientemente

lately últimamente

soon pronto

immediately inmediatamente

still aún

yet todavía

. . . ago hace

Adverbs of Place
Adverbios de Lugar

here aquí

there allí

over there allá

everywhere en todas partes

anywhere en cualquier lugar

nowhereen ninguna parte

home el hogar

downtown el centro de


away fuera

outside afuera

Adverbs of Manner
Adverbios de Modalidad

very muy

quite bastante

pretty bonita

really realmente

fast rápido

well bien

hard duro

quickly rápidamente

slowly lentamente

carefully cuidadosamente

hardly apenas

barely apenas

mostlyla mayoría de

almost casi

absolutely absolutamente

together juntos

alone solo

Adverbs of Frequency
(How Often?)
Adverbios de frecuencia
(¿Con qué frecuencia?)

always siempre

frequently con frecuencia

usually normalmente

sometimes algunas veces

occasionally de vez en cuando

seldom rara vez

never nunca

Last edited by Villa; August 10, 2013 at 10:40 PM.
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Old August 11, 2013, 01:53 PM
ozisonfire ozisonfire is offline
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Hola Villa,

Gracias por la ayuda.

All of that is most helpful, I am spending sometime creating flash cards now!

Last edited by ozisonfire; August 11, 2013 at 03:21 PM.
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Old August 11, 2013, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ozisonfire View Post
Hola Villa,

Gracias por la ayuda.

All of that is most helpful, I am spending sometime creating flash cards now!
De nada Owain. Study your flash cards hoy, manñana y siempre.
Nunca stop studying them. Study them frecuentemente.
Entonces, despues you will know más Spanish palabras.
Ayer you knew menos than you know ahora. Study your
Spanish flash cards adentro/inside y afuera de tu casa.
Quando tienes un poco de tiempo study your Spanish
words a menudo/frecuentemente. Yo como menudo a menudo.

Last edited by Villa; August 11, 2013 at 10:32 PM.
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