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A good luck message


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Old September 05, 2008, 05:15 AM
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A good luck message

Hello to all

Could anybody help me with an e mail i am writing to a spanish friend. He is preparing to do a speech on teaching practices, in Granada next week ,and I helped him with the pronunciation of the transcript in English.
I am not familiar with the greetings of writing in Spanish, I would like to wish him good luck with the presentation and remind him not to be too nervous and to be himself. I am not sure how to start the e mail, other than hola mi amigo (i think this is too informal as we have only just met) and i don't know wether Abrazo would be too formal, as an older gentleman i don't want to come across over friendly but warm.

an ever hopeful Ruby
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Old September 05, 2008, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by ruby View Post
Hello to all

Could anybody help me with an e mail i am writing to a spanish friend. He is preparing to do a speech on teaching practices, in Granada next week ,and I helped him with the pronunciation of the transcript in English.
I am not familiar with the greetings of writing in Spanish, I would like to wish him good luck with the presentation and remind him not to be too nervous and to be himself. I am not sure how to start the e mail, other than hola mi amigo (i think this is too informal as we have only just met) and i don't know wether Abrazo would be too formal, as an older gentleman i don't want to come across over friendly but warm.

an ever hopeful Ruby
In Spanish estimado is a common and normal salutation in a letter.
It can be used in place of dear in the opening of a letter whether or not the person is very esteemed or dear
You could say : que tenga(s) buena suerte en su (tu) presentación.
Espero que quedes (quede) calmado y natural.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.
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Old September 05, 2008, 07:17 AM
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Poli's options are good

Estimado Poli /Querido Poli
Te deseo mucha suerte con la presentación que vas a realizar.
Si no te pones nervioso y eres tú mismo seguro que te sale bien.

Muchos recuerdos
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Old September 05, 2008, 08:01 AM
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Would it be OK to say: que ten coraje, or does that sound funny.
I know that among some Latin Americans tener coraje means audacity or
more commonly the nerve or even more commonly but vulgarly the balls.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.

Last edited by poli; September 05, 2008 at 08:06 AM.
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Old September 05, 2008, 08:20 AM
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Your usage of coraje is good, but is more used in difficult situation, I don't know if a normal presentation is so "hard". When it's the first one, or in a very important meeting, then yes.
"espero que tenga coraje como para someterse a una operación"
"espero que tenga coraje suficiente como para hablar ante tanto público"
"espero que tenga coraje como para enfrentarse a su familia"
History, contrary to popular theories, "is" kings and dates and battles.
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Old September 05, 2008, 10:39 AM
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I think you can use this word for wish him a good day or only for salute him, I give you a examples of as you can start a letter for your friend.

Hola, querido amigo espero que estes bien.

Buenos dias o Noches te escribo esta carta para desearte suerte.

Hola (nombre), te deseo lo mejor y espero que puedas concluir lo que te propones.

I hope these examples can to be of helpful for you, and I hope your friend have good luck with his test.
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Old September 05, 2008, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by sosia View Post
Poli's options are good

Estimado Poli /Querido Poli
Te deseo mucha suerte con la presentación que vas a realizar.
Si no te pones nervioso y eres tú mismo seguro que te sale bien.

Muchos recuerdos
Could she also use `Saludos´ en vez de `Muchos recuerdos´ or is it too formal?

Forgive the spanglish.
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Old September 06, 2008, 02:17 AM
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"Saludos" is also OK, but I prefer "muchos recuerdos" for friends.
I use saludos (like "greetings") for commercial friends.
I don't "remember" or "pienso en " commercial friends.

History, contrary to popular theories, "is" kings and dates and battles.
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Old September 06, 2008, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by sosia View Post
"saludos" is also ok, but i prefer "muchos recuerdos" for friends.
I use saludos (like "greetings") for commercial friends.
I don't "remember" or "pienso en " commercial friends.

Saludos :d
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Old September 06, 2008, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by ruby View Post
Hello to all

Could anybody help me with an e mail i am writing to a spanish friend. He is preparing to do a speech on teaching practices, in Granada next week ,and I helped him with the pronunciation of the transcript in English.
I am not familiar with the greetings of writing in Spanish, I would like to wish him good luck with the presentation and remind him not to be too nervous and to be himself. I am not sure how to start the e mail, other than hola mi amigo (i think this is too informal as we have only just met) and i don't know wether Abrazo would be too formal, as an older gentleman i don't want to come across over friendly but warm.

an ever hopeful Ruby
I know my forum mates and bussiness partners (this one's for you Sosia ) have already helped, but I would like to add my .
The truth is I'm exam-correcting and answering students' mails and text messages and although I love talking to them I need a break. And this sounds like fun.
Having what you said in you post in mind,I would write something like:
Hola (Name):
Espero que estés bien. Estoy seguro de que la conferencia va a salir muy bien. Ten en cuenta que las personas que acuden a esos eventos tienen mucho interés y seguro que les enseñas algo nuevo.
No te pongas nervioso aunque estés hablando inglés, simplemente intenta ser tu mismo y olvidar que estás usando una lengua que te resulta un poco más difícil que la tuya.
Te deseo mucha suerte.
Un saludo,
(Your real name)

Hope it helps.
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
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