Old August 17, 2009, 02:12 AM
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Old August 17, 2009, 09:20 AM
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There must be a reason why there are doubles of some words.....

caminar - andar
(I can only think of these two for the moment)

Maybe a little research into this is in order.........
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Old August 18, 2009, 02:06 AM
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There is a rule: avoid redundancy when writing or speaking, so you can use synonyms, to prevent it. So you can say caminar, andar, pasear, etc. in a text without repeating the same word. I Spanish, if you can't avoid redundancy, there is a sentence used when writing: "valga la redundancia". For instance:

Finalmente el equipo local ha sido el ganador. Los locales
valga la redundancia- golearon a su rival…”


And sorry for my redundancy here, I'm not so good at English

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Old August 18, 2009, 02:14 AM
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Originally Posted by irmamar View Post
There is a rule: avoid redundancy when writing or speaking, so you can use synonyms, to prevent it. So you can say caminar, andar, pasear, etc. in a text without repeating the same word. I Spanish, if you can't avoid redundancy, there is a sentence used when writing: "valga la redundancia". For instance:

Finalmente el equipo local ha sido el ganador. Los locales
valga la redundancia- golearon a su rival…”


And sorry for my redundancy here, I'm not so good at English

ES bueno que ahora sepa. Pensaba que fue bueno que se escribiera con consistente (consistentemente)
muchas gracias por me dices!

valga la redundancia = pardon the redundancy ()
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Old August 18, 2009, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by bobjenkins View Post
ES bueno que ahora sepa. Pensaba que fue bueno que se escribiera con consistente (consistentemente)
muchas gracias por me dices!

valga la redundancia = pardon the redundancy ()
"Valga", pres. subj. de "valer". Es como decir "espero o deseo que valga".

Do you say "pardon the redundancy" in this case?
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Old August 18, 2009, 02:55 AM
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Originally Posted by irmamar View Post
"Valga", pres. subj. de "valer". Es como decir "espero o deseo que valga".

Do you say "pardon the redundancy" in this case?
Gracias, probablemente se diría..

Pardon my redundancy pero ambos son correctos
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Old August 18, 2009, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by EmpanadaRica View Post
Interesting, most words seem to have cognitive relations (i.e. all meaning to walk or move /travel).

Unas preguntitas.

1. Cover = to cover a certain distance (not to cover with a blanket eg?).
E.g. we covered a stretch of 3 miles today?
If you use 'caminar' here would people usually assume you covered this distance walking or can it be used more generally?

It's asumed walking, unless the context allow us other assumption

2. To act. This strikes me as interesting because it seems rather different from the other meanings? In the translations list it is said to be 'to behave'.

The "behave" here it's a "way to behave"/camino de comportamiento. it's not very used.
ex: Durante todo el proceso, su caminar fue cambiando de protesta a sumisión
"during the trial, his acctitude changed from rebel to submission"
x: "El Ché hizo su caminar político hasta el final"
"Ché (Guevara) walked his own politic way (acted the same) till the end"

So could one say e.g.:
'Ayer el niño (se?) caminó muy mal durante la cena' e.g.?

NO, No way

3. Flow - Is this pertaining to a river or water flowing or more in figurative speech? e.g.
'El río camina del norte del país al sur' ?

water flowing: El Nilo camina de Sur a Norte por varios países........."
time flowing: La nuevos tiempos caminaban por el país y la televisión fue sustituyendo a la radio."

Or can you also say this for instance about tears flowing, or a runny nose?

No, not really

4. If you would use 'caminar' in terms of a journey or trip could you use this regardless of the type of vehicle or transportation (bike, train, car etc) or would it be more usual to use other verbs in that case?

You can use "caminar " in a poetry-way (like with Ché Guevara) but usually you use other verbs (viajar, navegar, recorrer, etc.)
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Old August 18, 2009, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Elaina View Post
There must be a reason why there are doubles of some words.....

caminar - andar
(I can only think of these two for the moment)

Maybe a little research into this is in order.........
You mean like:

Walk - stroll?
start -begin?

Originally Posted by irmamar View Post
There is a rule: avoid redundancy when writing or speaking, so you can use synonyms, to prevent it. So you can say caminar, andar, pasear, etc. in a text without repeating the same word. I Spanish, if you can't avoid redundancy, there is a sentence used when writing: "valga la redundancia". For instance:

Finalmente el equipo local ha sido el ganador. Los locales
valga la redundancia- golearon a su rival…”


And sorry for my redundancy here, I'm not so good at English

Not only in Spanish Irma...
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Old August 18, 2009, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by sosia View Post
¡Es muy claro, muchisimas gracias Sosia!

Una pequeña pregunta más por favor.

¿Por qué se dice ' La nuevos tiempos' en este caso?
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Old August 18, 2009, 12:49 PM
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It must be a typo, Empanada, surely he wanted to say "Los"

I guess, Chileno, but I only can speak about Spanish. And I'm not able to avoid redundancy in English
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cover, journey, move, to walk, travel


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