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Argentina is the country most like Italy outside of Italy


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Old September 21, 2009, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Villa View Post
Argentina is the country most like Italy outside of Italy

3/4 of the 13,356,715 people of Buenos Aires, Argentina are of Italian origin. The over all population of Argentina has a higher percentage of Italians than anyother country outside of Italy. Argentina has more than 3,500,000 Italian speakers; this tongue is the second most spoken language in the nation. Italian immigration from the beginning of the 20th century made a lasting and significant impact on the pronunciation and vernacular of the nation's spoken Spanish, giving it an Italian flair. In fact, Italian has contributed so much to Rioplatense that many foreigners mistake it for Italian.
How about Montevideo, Uruguay? Is there a similar Italian population there? My close friend who lives in Uruguay is from a big Italian family that has been in Uruguay for several generations....
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
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Old September 21, 2009, 04:15 PM
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Esto es una prueba de lo que digo!

Dos argentinos llegan a Italia.
Dice uno:
- Che, ¿habrá argentinos acá en Roma?
- Y, no se... mirá en la guía telefónica.
Y el otro lee:
- Baldini, Corranti, Dominici, Ferrutti... ¡Che, Roma está llena de apellidos argentinos!

Last edited by Villa; September 21, 2009 at 04:18 PM.
Old September 25, 2009, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
How about Montevideo, Uruguay? Is there a similar Italian population there? My close friend who lives in Uruguay is from a big Italian family that has been in Uruguay for several generations....
Sí, e vero laepelba Uruguay's population is 1/2 Italian. They speak
Spanish con un accento italiano senza dubbio. Sin embargo it's Brazil that
has the biggest Italian population outside of Italy. The difference is that
both Argentina and Uruguay have a larger percentage of their population
that are of Italian origin.

Last edited by Villa; September 25, 2009 at 07:24 PM.
Old September 26, 2009, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Villa View Post
Sí, e vero laepelba Uruguay's population is 1/2 Italian. They speak
Spanish con un accento italiano senza dubbio. Sin embargo it's Brazil that
has the biggest Italian population outside of Italy. The difference is that
both Argentina and Uruguay have a larger percentage of their population
that are of Italian origin.
Not only is your answer interesting ... but your Italiospanglish is quite impressive, too!
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
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Old September 26, 2009, 06:30 PM
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I don't meet that country named Argentina, but I can't believe in that there are most population from Italia than people native from Argentina.

Therefore, like here in my country at least in my state there are most people to come from U.S.A likely they are from New York than Mexican people living here in this place, the like that people to come from Tampico, Veracruz, Tabasco coming to this place that people native of the region, therefore I believe that Argentina to be a country with a lot business placed in that country for that reason, I believe that there are a lot diversity to people of another countries than in the same country where are from them.
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Old September 26, 2009, 07:00 PM
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I don't know about Argentina, but there are NO indigenous people living in Uruguay. They were all killed by the European settlers.
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
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Old September 26, 2009, 09:24 PM
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The mayority of people here is from Italy and Spain. Secondary: french, german, swiss, etc.

From wikipedia:

"Por otra parte
, ya para 1920, un poco más de la mitad de quienes poblaban la ciudad más grande, Buenos Aires, eran nacidos en el exterior. De acuerdo a la estimación efectuada por Zulma Recchini de Lattes la población argentina, que de acuerdo al censo de 1960 era de aproximadamente 20 millones de habitantes, si no hubiese existido el aporte de la corriente inmigratoria proveniente de Europa, y en menor medida, la proveniente de Medio Oriente, sólo hubiera tenido para ese entonces poco menos de 8 millones de habitantes[43] ."

If half of the population of Bs.As in that year was born in the exterior... (we aren't counting their sons, that in that time would be near 0 - 40 years, many of them would had grandchildren...)

The other day in a one hundred people class, when the teacher asked if there was someone with a native line of blood(not necesarry pure), only one girl raised the
hand. But in her family there were turkish, italian and polac blood too.

About indigenous, they were killed near 1880++, in the famous "Campaña/Conquista del Desierto", where Argentina expand their territory(look at this, the territory of Argentina before the campaing was the light blue one only). After the campaing, besides all the dead indigenous, near 10.000 of them were taken prisioners and prohibited to procreate; another communities survived going to difficult lands, and still live today (with a lot of problems and help from the goverment, but..)
"Thanks" to this massacre, there were(were or was? I'm confuse) a lot of land waiting for be shared and used. This was one of the causes for the Europeans to choose this place, with all that new land they would have had a big opportunity. (Obviously, they arrived here and realized that all the lands were distributed between the captains, some soldiers, and big landowners while they spread)
Please, don't hesitate to correct my English.
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Old September 27, 2009, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ookami View Post

The other day in a one hundred people class, when the teacher asked if there was someone with a native line of blood(not necesarry pure), only one girl raised the
hand. But in her family there were turkish, italian and polish blood too. (The other word you used is derogatory. )

About indigenous, they were killed near 1880++, in the famous "Campaña/Conquista del Desierto", where Argentina expand their territory(look at this, the territory of Argentina before the campaing was the light blue one only). After the campaign, besides all the dead indigenous, near 10.000 of them were taken prisioners and prohibited to procreate; another communities survived going to difficult lands, and still live today (with a lot of problems and help from the goverment, but..)
"Thanks" to this massacre, there was (were or was? I'm confused) (use "was" because it agrees with "land" which is singular) a lot of land waiting for to be shared and used. This was one of the causes for the Europeans to choose this place, with all that new land they would have had a big opportunity. (Obviously, they arrived here and realized that all the lands were distributed between the captains, some soldiers, and big landowners while they spread)
Thanks for that story. It's SO sad. Just like all of the stories of the Europeans coming to the New World to conquer with their imperialism....
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
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Old September 27, 2009, 08:35 PM
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Thanks for the corrections laepelba
Please, don't hesitate to correct my English.
'Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.' M.A.
Old September 28, 2009, 06:56 AM
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No problem ... and my name is "Lou Ann" - you are welcome to call me that!
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
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argentina, german, italian, welsh


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