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Tema el cine


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Old July 26, 2009, 10:13 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
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ROBINDESBOIS is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Tema el cine

Puede alguien traducir las siguientes frases:

1. A mi hermano le encanta el séptimo arte.
My brother loves the Seventh Art ( the cinema)
2.La semana que viene reponen una película muda de Charlot
Next week a charlot´s silent film will be shown again ( reponer ???)
3. "Juana la Loca" de Vicente Aranda sigue aún en cartelera.
Vicente Aranda´s JEANNE THE MAD, is still on at the cinema.
4. Siempre que voy al cine, le envio a mi hermano a sacar las entradas para la última sesión.
Whenever I go to the movies, I send my brother to buy the tickets for the last seance/show???
5. Cada vez que estrenan una película de terror me toca hacer cola durante algo más de dos horas.
Evertime a terror film is shown for the first time I have to be on line for more than two long hours.

Any ideas to Improve them?

TOmorrow another 5, to reviw all the vocabulary concerning the cinema.
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Old July 26, 2009, 08:04 PM
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1. My brother loves the fine arts.
2. Next week a silent film by Charlot will be shown again.
3. Vicente Aranda´s "Joanna the Mad" is still showing at the cinema.
4. Whenever I go to the movies, I send my brother to buy the tickets for the last show.
5. Everytime a horror film is shown for the first time I have to stand in line for more than two long hours.
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Old July 27, 2009, 07:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
1. My brother loves the fine arts.
2. Next week a silent film by Charlot will be shown again.
3. Vicente Aranda´s "Joanna the Mad" is still showing at the cinema.
4. Whenever I go to the movies, I send my brother to buy the tickets for the last show.
5. Everytime a horror film is shown for the first time I have to stand in line for more than two long hours.
We don't use Charlot. Instead, we would use Chaplin or Charlie Chaplin .
The historical figure: Juan la loca translates to Juana La Loca.
We would say My brother love the movies or cinema (if he likes quality movies) The seventh art would not be readily understood.
Cinema is not general considered part of the fine arts which include renaissance art, classical music, ballet etc.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.

Last edited by poli; July 27, 2009 at 07:18 AM.
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Old July 27, 2009, 10:45 AM
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ROBINDESBOIS is on a distinguished road
Thank you very much.

6. En los locales nuevos, la pantalla más grande, el sistema de sonido es inmejorable y las butacas son automáticas.
7. El estreno del último film de ALmodovar tendrá lugar la semana que viene.
8. En España, los documentales se pruyectan con bastante frecuencia
9.Los dibujos animados y las comedias no me dicen mucho.
10. El rodaje de " Haz lo que quieras o te mato" comienza el 23 de Septiembre.
11. Almódovar escribe el guión de la mayoría de sus películas.
12.El guionista de "tacones lejanos" alquiló un estudio, un operador, un proyector y un técnico de trucaje para empezar a filmar.
13. La maquilladora está preparando al doble de Tom Cruise para rodar una escena de cama.
14. !Corten ! Ahora una toma de vistas.
15. ¿Quién se encarga del encuadre?

De momento hasta el número 15, las próximas mañana.
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Old July 27, 2009, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS View Post
Thank you very much.

6. En los locales nuevos, la pantalla más grande, el sistema de sonido es inmejorable y las butacas son automáticas.
7. El estreno del último film de ALmodovar tendrá lugar la semana que viene.
8. En España, los documentales se pruyectan con bastante frecuencia
9.Los dibujos animados y las comedias no me dicen mucho.
10. El rodaje de " Haz lo que quieras o te mato" comienza el 23 de Septiembre.
11. Almódovar escribe el guión de la mayoría de sus películas.
12.El guionista de "tacones lejanos" alquiló un estudio, un operador, un proyector y un técnico de trucaje para empezar a filmar.
13. La maquilladora está preparando al doble de Tom Cruise para rodar una escena de cama.
14. !Corten ! Ahora una toma de vistas.
15. ¿Quién se encarga del encuadre?

De momento hasta el número 15, las próximas mañana.
6) New movie theaters have wider screens, a incomparable sound system, and automatic seats. what are automatic seats?
7) The premiere of the new Almodovar film is next week
8) In Spain,documentaries are often shown in movie theaters.
9)Animated movies and comedies are not my favorite movies (are not my
favorite genre,)
10) The filming of Do What You Want or I'll Kill You begin on the 23rd of September (or September 23rd).
11)Almodovar writes the script for most of his movies.
12) The writer for High Heels rented a studio, an operator and a special effects man to begin filming.
13) The makeup woman prepared Tom Cruise's double for the bed scene.
14) Cut. Now lets look at what we've filmed.
15) Who's in charge of encuadre close-ups
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.
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Old July 27, 2009, 11:19 AM
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ROBINDESBOIS is on a distinguished road
encuadre = framing
toma = shot
toma de vistas = ????
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Old July 27, 2009, 11:21 AM
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ROBINDESBOIS is on a distinguished road
close-up = primer plano
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Old July 27, 2009, 12:33 PM
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cinematographer or assistant cinematographer/director of photography
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.
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Old July 27, 2009, 05:24 PM
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ROBINDESBOIS is on a distinguished road
14)Cut. Now lets HAVE A shot of views ??????
15) Who's in charge of framing

Any corrections?
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Old July 27, 2009, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS View Post
14)Cut. Now lets HAVE A shot of views ??????
15) Who's in charge of framing

Any corrections?
14) Cut. Let's have a look at (let's review) today's rushes.
In the film industry, rushes are the unedited day's shoots.

Who's in charge of framing really doesn't sound good to me. I believe the job is the responsibility of the cinematographer
and, if they are very engaged, the director.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.

Last edited by poli; July 27, 2009 at 06:51 PM.
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cinema, film, movies


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