Old September 14, 2008, 06:28 PM
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Hola todos

Hola! How do you say "Help me." en espanol. Hablo espanol malo. I am very new to spanish and am learning on my own with un amigo bueno. Can someone tell me how and when to use algo, algun, alguna, algunas, ningun, ninguna, ningunas. Thanks! Mi nombre es Sandy.
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Old September 14, 2008, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by barrenfield View Post
Hola! How do you say "Help me." en espanol. Hablo espanol malo. I am very new to spanish and am learning on my own with un amigo bueno. Can someone tell me how and when to use algo, algun, alguna, algunas, ningun, ninguna, ningunas. Thanks! Mi nombre es Sandy.
Hola Sandy,

To say "Help me" in Spanish, use one of four forms. Which form you choose to use depends on the person(s) you're speaking to.
If you're talking to a friend, say Ayúdame. If you're talking to a stranger or trying to be respectful, say Ayúdeme. If you're talking to two friends in Spain, use Ayudadme. If you're friends aren't from Spain, or if they aren't your friends, or if your showing respect to them, use Ayúdenme.
Say Ayúdame when you're speaking to your buen amigo.

I want to give you something (algo).
Do you have some kind of book (algún libro) I can read? (algún is used with a masculine noun)
Do you have some kind of (any) idea (alguna idea)? (alguna is used with a feminine noun)
Do you have some (any) friends (algunas amigas)? (algunas is used with plural feminine nouns)
Do you have some (any) friends (algunos amigos)? (algunos is used with plural masculine nouns)
I don't have any comment (ningún comentario). (ningún is used with a masculine noun when a negated verb is in use)
I don't have any idea (ninguna idea). (ninguna is used with a feminine noun when a negated verb is in use)
I don't have any friends (ningunas amigas). (ningunas, plural feminine nouns, negated structure)
I don't have any friends (ningunos amigos). (ningunos, plural masculine nouns, negated structure)


Welcome to the forums!!
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Old September 14, 2008, 11:09 PM
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Hola Barrenfield. I think Rusty answered your question fairly thoroughly, so I won't add any more.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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Old September 14, 2008, 11:19 PM
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Yeah. I'm agree with Rusty, I want to tell you some examples about your questions.

Look the sentence Help me in Spanish there are many way to speak it, I'll give you some examples about it now:

If you need help of someone, you can to say Ayudeme por favor.

If you need help of some friend very met, you can to say the following: Ayudame.

If you are in a situation very danger and you need to ask help someone or a police, you must to say, Auxilio this word is the same meaning than Help me in Spanish.

If you need to ask Auxilio of someone in street, because you have stayed hurt or damage for some object, only you need to say Ayuda por favor, I need Ayuda.

Now, refer to your another questions about algo, algun, alguna, algunas, ningun, ninguna, ningunas, let me give you some ideas in your Spanish, you can to write in some notebook or paper the examples for that you later can put them in practice.

I need something in my food ( Necesito algo en mi comida)
Someday I'll can to be a great Engineer ( Algun día podre ser un gran Ingeniero)
Some person can to say me, Where's the street with number 35. (Alguna persona puede decirme donde esta la calle con numero 35)

Some houses has a lot of water in their garden.(Algunas casas tienen mucha agua en su Jardín)

I hope my examples will be of helpful for you, if you have more question about, please let me know and I'll be gladly in help you, when you the need it.
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Old September 15, 2008, 04:54 PM
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Gracias! Gracias! Gracias!!
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Old September 16, 2008, 01:46 AM
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Old September 16, 2008, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by sosia View Post
Bienvenida Sandy
I'm not sure if you are a boy or a girl. I had assumed you were a guy because of the horse picture, but that's quite sexist.
Welcome, anyway.
Sosia, Sandy puede ser un chico o una chica. A veces se escribe Sandie y en ese caso yo asumiría que es una mujer, pero puede que esté equivocada.
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Old September 16, 2008, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by María José View Post
I'm not sure if you are a boy or a girl. I had assumed you were a guy because of the horse picture, but that's quite sexist.
Welcome, anyway.
Sosia, Sandy puede ser un chico o una chica. A veces se escribe Sandie y en ese caso yo asumiría que es una mujer, pero puede que esté equivocada.
Si echas la vista en el perfil de Sandy verás que sí es una mujer.
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Old September 16, 2008, 11:32 AM
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Smile Mujer!!

Gracias Rusty! Soy mujer! Tengo un ranchero de cabellos en Kentucky. Tengo cinco yeguas. Tengo potros todos años. Vendemos los potros en Septiember todos años. Adios mis amigos. Sandy

Correct please!
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Old September 16, 2008, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
Si echas la vista en el perfil de Sandy verás que sí es una mujer.
Thanks, Rusty. En España decimos 'echar un vistazo al perfil de Sandy', pero imagino que es otra diferencia entre continentes.
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