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La tarea


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Old November 10, 2008, 02:15 PM
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Question La tarea

Check for any errors. Muchas gracias.

Part A
1. Las necesitas para subir la pirámide: las piernas
2. La necesitas para pensar: la cabeza
**Pensar means think/plan
3. Tienes cinco en cada mano: los dedos
4. Los necesitas para ver la tele: los ojos
5. La jirafa tiene uno muy grande: el cuello
6. Llevas zapatos en los... los pies
7. Lo necesitas para escuchar música: el oído
8. Te duele cuando hablas demasiado: la garganta
9. Cuando hace frío, llevas guantes en las... las manos
10. Cuando comes demasiado, te duele el... el estómago

Part B
What body part would hurt if you...
1. practiced guitar for 3 hours? Me duelen los dedos.
2. cheered too much at a basketball game? Me duele la garganta.
3. ran for two miles? Me duelen las piernas.
4. ate too much for lunch? Me duele el estómago.
5. read for 6 hours straight () ? Me duelen los ojos.

Part C
Please check for any errors in the conjugating for tener (...).
1. Julia y Andrés tienen un resfriado.
2. Fernado tiene dolor de cabeza.
3. Clara y tú tienen dolor de oídos.
4. Claudia tiene dolor de muelas.
5. Ramón tiene dolor de garganta.

Now, make suggestions about what each of the person should do.
1. Julia y Andrés deben descansar.
2. Fernando debe tomar medicina.
3. Clara y tú deben llamar la médica.
4. Claudia debe llamar al dentista.
5. Ramón debe beber agua.

Last edited by Jessica; November 10, 2008 at 06:08 PM.
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Old November 10, 2008, 03:45 PM
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Originally Posted by jchen View Post
Part A
1. Las necesitas para subir la pirámide: las piernas
2. La necesitas para pensar: la cabeza (or the mind)
3. Tienes cinco en cada mano: los dedos
4. Los necesitas para ver la tele: los ojos
5. La jirafa tiene uno muy grande: el cuello
6. Llevas zapatos en los... los pies
7. Los necesitas para escuchar música: los oídos
8. Te duele cuando hablas demasiado: la garganta
9. Cuando hace frío, llevas guantes en las... las manos
10. Cuando comes demasiado, te duele el... el estómago

Part B
What body part would hurt if you...
1. practiced guitar for 3 hours? (Me duelen) los dedos
2. cheered too much at a basketball game? (Me duele) la garganta
3. ran for two miles? (Me duelen) las piernas
4. ate too much for lunch? (Me duele) el estómago
5. read for 6 hours straight? (Me duelen) los ojos

Part C
Please check for any errors in conjugating for tener.
1. Julia y Andrés tienes un resfriado. subject is 3rd person plural
2. Fernado tiene dolor de cabeza.
3. Clara y tú tenemos dolor de oídos. subject is 3rd person plural
4. Claudia tiene dolor de muelas.
5. Ramón tiene dolor de garganta.

Now, make suggestions about what the people above should do.
1. Julia y Andrés deben descansar.
2. Fernando debe tomar medicina.
3. Clara y tú debemos llamar la médica. subject is 3rd person plural, a preposition follows llamar
4. Claudia debe llamar el dentista. a preposition follows llamar
5. Ramón debe beber agua.
Hope my comments help you figure out what's wrong.

Last edited by Rusty; November 10, 2008 at 03:47 PM.
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Old November 10, 2008, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jchen View Post
Check for any errors. Muchas gracias.

Part A
1. Las necesitas para subir la pirámide: las piernas
2. La necesitas para pensar: la cabeza
**Pensar means think/plan
3. Tienes cinco en cada mano: los dedos
4. Los necesitas para ver la tele: los ojos
5. La jirafa tiene uno muy grande: el cuello
6. Llevas zapatos en los... los pies
7. Lo necesitas para escuchar música: los oídos
8. Te duele cuando hablas demasiado: la garganta
9. Cuando hace frío, llevas guantes en las... las manos
10. Cuando comes demasiado, te duele el... el estómago

Part B
What body part would hurt if you...
1. practiced guitar for 3 hours? Me duelen los dedos.
2. cheered too much at a basketball game? Me duele la garganta.
3. ran for two miles? Me duelen las piernas.
4. ate too much for lunch? Me duele el estómago.
5. read for 6 hours straight () ? Me duelen los ojos.

Part C
Please check for any errors in the conjugating for tener (...).
1. Julia y Andrés tienes un resfriado.
2. Fernado tiene dolor de cabeza.
3. Clara y tú tenemos dolor de oídos.
4. Claudia tiene dolor de muelas.
5. Ramón tiene dolor de garganta.

Now, make suggestions about what each of the person should do.
1. Julia y Andrés deben descansar. <<<Is that the way to say "rest"?
2. Fernando debe tomar medicina.
3. Clara y tú debemos llamar una médica.
4. Claudia debe
5. Ramón debe

I have checked out your homework, and the first two parts seem are well done, but the third part has some mistakes, I will try to help you, but you need put attention, because it's very important for you, it in a future when you speak Spanish will use mostly the word Tener in all the sentence, you have made mistakes within your wrote but, it're little mistakes, anyway I think ,you can to get better in your own built of words well, let's go to work in your homework.

Part C
Please check for any errors in the conjugating for tener (...).
1. Julia y Andrés tienen un resfriado., I only found a mistake, you didn't put the word N
2. Fernado tiene dolor de cabeza. I found a mistake, in this phrase you did't put the word Un, I tell you without the word un the phrase has not sense.
3. Clara y tú tenemos dolor de oídos. I found a mistake in the part of Tenemos , there you must use the word Tienen instead of tenemos, because you are speaking in three person.
4. Claudia tiene dolor de muelas. Well done.
5. Ramón tiene dolor de garganta. Here in this phrase would to be well done, but I think you could to use newly the word Un, because if you put the word UN, it will sounds better. it's my counsel.

Now, make suggestions about what each of the person should do.
1. Julia y Andrés deben descansar. <<<Is that the way to say "rest"? Yes there in the phrase you must to use rest, it's the same to Descansar.
2. Fernando debe tomar medicina. Here I found a mistake fault the word Su, if you use the word Su, you are indicate the propriety of someone, the you must to use Su.
3. Clara y tú debemos llamar una médica. Here I also a mistake, you must to use the word deben instead of debemos.
4. Claudia debe
5. Ramón debe

Ok, I have corrected you in some words but, I believe that you have made well your homework. Well done.
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Old November 10, 2008, 03:56 PM
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Rusty beat me, in correct you, because I had a problem, because lost my internet connection.
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Old November 10, 2008, 04:17 PM
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Jessica, the word médica is also wrong.

Overall, great job! Are you having fun with Spanish?
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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Old November 10, 2008, 04:22 PM
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what? how is médica wrong?
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Old November 10, 2008, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jchen View Post
what? how is médica wrong?
It's kind of hard to explain. For certain professions, the word's ending changes if the person is male or female, and for other professions, it doesn't.

El dentista / La dentista (doesn't change, ends in a)
El doctor / La doctora (ending changes to an a when the person is a woman)
El médico / La médico (doesn't change, ends in o)
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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Old November 10, 2008, 05:39 PM
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wait a sec! we learned that a female doctor is "la médica"!!!!!!!! This time, I know I'm not wrong. I checked in the book too.
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Old November 10, 2008, 06:40 PM
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It is OK to use la médica. It just isn't very common. I was going to mention that before, but thought I would sound sexist. In the past, it was not OK to use the noun like that, but it is accepted now. Many professions that were traditionally held by only men warranted only the masculine ending. Times have changed.
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Old November 10, 2008, 07:53 PM
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Rusty I don't agree with you explain toward Jessica, because the word Medica or Ingeniera, or any gender is most used for people in my country, it mostly in Mexico than other countries, but if you have another explain, please you comment above it.
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