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êàê ïðàâèëüíî ñîêðàòèòü áþäæåò íà ðåêëàìó


Siendo los amantes de idiomas que somos... Un lugar para hablar de y escribir en idiomas que no sean inglés y español.

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Antiguo June 10, 2009, 12:12 PM
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Maybe it was a plead for help:

"help, can anybody get me out of this bathroom that seems to be locked from the outside?
Quita esta publicidad al registrarte con una cuenta gratuita en Tomísimo.
Antiguo June 12, 2009, 05:16 PM
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Escrito originalmente por brute Ver Mensaje
This could become a useful tool if all the repititions were removed, and they were organised alphabetically into a pull down menu. Most accented Roman characters of the European languages are included, but where is the crossed out "O", of Danish and Norwegian? This is essentional if you wish to write to elDanés.
That already exists here for the diacriticals commonly used in Spanish.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
Antiguo June 12, 2009, 07:01 PM
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CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo no está en línea
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That already exists here for the diacriticals commonly used in Spanish.
I have one question for you David.

What is diacriticals?

I don't understand very well the word.

I'm sorry
We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
Antiguo June 13, 2009, 04:00 AM
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Escrito originalmente por CrOtALiTo Ver Mensaje
I have one question for you David.

What is diacriticals?

I don't understand very well the word.

I'm sorry
Diacriticals son los acentos diacríticos, los que se usan para distinguir unas palabras de otras, especialmente en monosílabos:

te - té
de - dé
mi - mí
tu - tú
solo - sólo
Antiguo June 13, 2009, 09:16 AM
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Escrito originalmente por irmamar Ver Mensaje
Diacriticals son los acentos diacríticos, los que se usan para distinguir unas palabras de otras, especialmente en monosílabos:

te - té
de - dé
mi - mí
tu - tú
solo - sólo
In linguistics, a diacritic is any mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation. So, every letter in the original post had a diacritic mark.
Antiguo June 13, 2009, 10:07 AM
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Tomisimo Tomisimo no está en línea
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diacriticals = signos diacríticos

Éstos pueden ser el acento grave o agudo, el diéresis, el circunflejo, la cedilla, la colita, etc.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
Antiguo June 13, 2009, 10:49 AM
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irmamar irmamar no está en línea
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Yes, you're right, I was thinking you were talking about diacritical accents
Antiguo June 25, 2009, 04:24 PM
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Escrito originalmente por WRDavid Ver Mensaje
ïðèâåò.ß ðàáîòàþ ìàðêåòîëîãîì â ãîðîäå ðîñòîâ-íà-äîíó . èç-çà êðèçèñà íàì óðåçàëè ôèíàíñèðîâàíèå íà ðåêëàìó, è ïðè ýòîì íóæíî íå ïîòåðÿòü çàêàç÷èêîâ. ×òî äåëàòü - íå çíàþ. ïîñïðàøèâàëà çíàêîìûõ - ñêàçàëè, ÷òî èíòåðíåò ðåêëàìà ëó÷øå âñåãî. ïî íàøåé äåÿòåëüíîñòè â èíòåðíåòå íàøëà ìíîãî ñïðàâî÷íèêîâ. çàðåãèñòðèðîâàëàñü â îäíîì èç íèõ ðîñøèíà. áóäåò ëè îò ýòîãî òîëê? åñëè äà - òî ïîäåëèòåñü ñïèñêîì òàêèõ ñàéòîâ. ìîæåò áûòü êòî-òî åùå ÷åãî-íèáóäü ïîäñêàæåò?
Sorry folks. I think I´ve given the language detector/translater a stroke or a heart attack. I fed it with the above text and it has written absolutely nothing in the last hour
Antiguo June 25, 2009, 04:29 PM
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bobjenkins bobjenkins no está en línea
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Escrito originalmente por brute Ver Mensaje
Sorry folks. I think I´ve given the language detector/translater a stroke or a heart attack. I fed it with the above text and it has written absolutely nothing in the last hour
"There´s always money in the banana stand michael!"
--george bluthe sir
Antiguo July 08, 2009, 03:44 PM
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brute brute no está en línea
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Escrito originalmente por bobjenkins Ver Mensaje
For once I'm being serious. I have been devoting some time to thinking about this strange document. I have enlarged the text to make it readable. The characters are all from a sequence of about 33 diacriticals (which also contain a division sign.) ( ascii nos. 223 - 255).
The _ . ? and , are there as real punctuation marks, I think, because they are all followed by a space ) and are not part of this sequence of symbols.
IF this is a REAL message, and each letter has been replaced by another symbol, it has several distinctive features.
1. All letters are lower case
2. There are very few single and double letter words.
3. There are no double letters.
4. All or (nearly all) of these characters are used. I still need to do a count.
What sort of language could it be? We are looking for a language which uses an alphabet of 30 + letters.
The Cyrillic alphabet springs to mind. I believe that some Slav tongues have a more letters than Russian.
Most languages have definite and indefinite article and pronouns, which are frequently repeated short words of one or two letters.
Russian (and possibly other Slavonic languages) do not often use them or the verb "to be".
How about double letters?
I don't think Russian uses them.
Here is an enlarged copy of the original text with highlights to show certain features.

So Bob, you are our Russian expert. Do you think we can crack this one? If we do a frequency count and find it tallies with Russian, we might find an answer. :t hinking:

êàê ïðàâèëüíî ñîêðàòèòü áþäæåòíà ðåêëàìó

åò.ß ðàáîòàþ ìàðêåòîëîãîì â ãîðîäå ðîñòîâ-íà-äîíó . èç-çà êðèçèñà íàì óðåçàëè ôèíàíñèðîâàíèå íà ðåêëàìó, è ïðè ýòîì íóæíî íå ïîòåðÿòü çàêàç÷èêîâ. ×òî äåëàòü - íå çíàþ. ïîñïðàøèâàëà çíàêîìûõ - ñêàçàëè, ÷òî èíòåðíåò ðåêëàìà ëó÷øå âñåãî. ïî íàøåé äåÿòåëüíîñòè â èíòåðíåòå íàøëà ìíîãî ñïðàâî÷íèêîâ. çàðåãèñòðèðîâàëàñü â îäíîì èç íèõ ðîñøèíà. áóäåò ëè îò ýòîãî òîëê? åñëè äà - òî ïîäåëèòåñü ñïèñêîì òàêèõ ñàéòîâ. ìîæåò áûòü êòî-òî åùå ÷åãî-íèáóäü ïîäñêàæåò?

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