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Old August 18, 2007, 09:12 AM
sanderson28025 sanderson28025 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
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sanderson28025 is on a distinguished road
Song Lyrics Translation

Hi everyone,

I recently returned from Guatemala and really enjoyed my trip there. I was also introduced to a musical artist by the name of Jesus Adrian Romero. He's written some beautiful music, some amazing guitar licks, etc... and I found a song that I really want to sing for my church and I feel I've gotten most of the song translated clearly...except for one line and I'm in some serious help. I'll post the actual lyrics, then the lyrics I've translated so far. Any help would be great. The main problem is the line that is bold, italicized, and underlined. Also, I've taken a little bit of liberty to make these lyrics a little more "American friendly", I'll be singing this song in spanish while the people will be reading the lyrics in english (most of these people have no experience w/ spanish at all)

Cuando nadie me ve en la intimidad
(When no one sees me in my intimate place)
Donde no puedo hablar más que la verdad
(Where I’m not able to speak more than the truth)
Donde no hay apariencias
(Where there are no appreances)
Donde descubierto queda me corazón
(Where I’ve discovered the remains of my heart)
Allí, soy sincero, Allí, me apariencia de piedad se va,
(There, I’m sincere. There, my appearance of piety goes away)
Allí, es tu gracia lo que cuenta,
(There, your grace is what counts,)
Tu perdón lo que sustenta para esta de pie
(Your forgiveness is what supports me)

Y no podría dar en la cara si no fuera porque soy
(And I wouldn’t be able to give in the face if not outside because I am)
revestido en la gracia y la justicia Del señor,
(Had the grace and the justice of the Lord)
si me verán tal cual soy Senté rayan que es Jesús,
(If they see me as I am, I was seated next to Jesus)
lo que visto reflejado en mi tan solo fue su luz
(All that was seen in me was only the reflection of your light)
Es por tu gracia y tu perdón que podemos
(It’s because of your grace and your forgiveness, that we able)
Ser llamados instrumentos de tu amor
(to be called instruments of your love)
Es por tu gracia y tu perdón
(It’s for your grace and your forgiveness)
Y mi justicia queda lejos de tu perfección
(And my justice remains far from your perfection)
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