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Subjunctive practice


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Old November 30, 2008, 06:40 PM
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Subjunctive practice

The patient's long history of violent behavior has made his doctor consider the possibility that he commited the crime.
La larga historia del comportamiento violento del paciente ha hecho que su medico considerara la posibilidad de que él cometiera el crimen.

Last week's accident at that dangerous intersection has forced the town officials to reconsider installing a traffic light.
El acidente de la semana pasada en ese cruce peligroso ha forzado que los funcionarios reconsideren la instalación de un semáforo.

The school requires that all pupils take this course.
La escuela oblige que todos estudiantes asistan a este curso.

The rain causes the plants to grow.
Lluvia causa que las plants se cultiven.

Your bad grades resulted in you failing the course.
Tus notas malas produjeron que te repruebes en el curso.

My parents made sure that we had enough food to eat.
Mis padres vigilaron/se cercioraron que tuviéramos lo suficiente comida para comer.

Discovering that he had heart disease forced him to change his lifestyle.
El descrubrimiento de su cardiopatía ha obligado que cambiara su estilo de vida.

Her parent entrusted me to see to it that his wishes were carried out.
Su padre me encomendó vigilar que sus deseos se cumplieran.

My bad fall resulted in me being bedridden for two weeks.
La mala caida que sufré ha producido que estuviera postrado en cama por dos semanas.

The woman's compassion for the poor inspired him to volunteer his time.
La compasión de la mujer por los pobres impulsé que él ofreciera su tiempo de voluntario./se ofreciera de voluntario.
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Old November 30, 2008, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by cmon View Post
The patient's long history of violent behavior has made his doctor consider the possibility that he commited the crime.
La larga historia del comportamiento violento del paciente ha hecho que su médico considere la posibilidad de que él cometiera el crimen.

Last week's accident at that dangerous intersection has forced the town officials to reconsider installing a traffic light.
El accidente de la semana pasada en ese cruce peligroso ha obligado que los funcionarios reconsideren la instalación de un semáforo.

The school requires that all pupils take this course.
La escuela oblige que todos los estudiantes hagan este curso.

The rain causes the plants to grow.
La lluvia causa que las plantas crezcan.

Your bad grades resulted in you failing the course.
Tus notas malas produjeron que no pasaras el curso.

My parents made sure that we had enough food to eat.
Mis padres vigilaron que tuviéramos suficiente comida para comer.
Discovering that he had heart disease forced him to change his lifestyle.
El descubrimiento de su cardiopatía ha obligado que cambie su estilo de vida.
Her parent entrusted me to see to it that his wishes were carried out.
Su padre me encomendó a vigilar que sus deseos se cumplieran.

My bad fall resulted in me being bedridden for two weeks.
La mala caida que sufré ha producido que esté postrado en cama por dos semanas.
The woman's compassion for the poor inspired him to volunteer his time.
La compasión de la mujer por los pobres impulsé que él se ofreciera de voluntario.
My changes are above. The present subjunctive is used when the present perfect tense appears in the main clause.
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Old December 01, 2008, 01:19 AM
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Here's a few of my ideas:

The school requires that all pupils take this course.
La escuela requiere que todos los estudiantes asistan a este curso.
La escuela obliga a todos los estudiantes a asistir (a que asistan) a este curso.

... has forced the town officials to reconsider installing a traffic light.
... ha obligado a los funcionarios volver a considerar la instalación de un semáforo.

Your bad grades resulted in you failing the course.
Tus notas malas produjeron que no pasaras el curso.
This sounds kinda funny to me. I'd say:
Por causa de tus malas calificaciones, [tronaste/no pasaste/no aprobaste] el curso.
Her parent entrusted me to see to it that his wishes were carried out.
Su padre me encomendó que sus deseos se cumplieran.
Su padre me encomendó que me encargara de que sus deseos se cumplieran.

bedridden = encamado
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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Old December 01, 2008, 12:28 PM
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My .........

The patient's long history of violent behavior has made his doctor consider the possibility that he commited the crime.
-La larga historia de comportamiento violento del paciente ha causado que su doctor considere la posibilidad de que él cometió el crimen.

Last week's accident at that dangerous intersection has forced the town officials to reconsider installing a traffic light.
-El accidente de la semana pasada en ese crucero peligroso ha forzado (or obligado) a los funcionarios de la ciudad a que consideren de nuevo la instalación de un semáforo.

The school requires that all pupils take this course.
-La escuela requiere que todos los estudiantes tomen este curso.

My parents made sure that we had enough food to eat.
-Mis padres aseguraron que tuviéramos suficiente comida para comer.

My bad fall resulted in me being bedridden for two weeks.
-La mala caída que sufrí causó que estuviera encamado por dos semanas.

The woman's compassion for the poor inspired him to volunteer his time.
-La compasión de la mujer hacia los pobres lo inspiró a donar su tiempo como voluntario.

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney
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