What's the problem with the film-TV industry in the United States and Spanish?
I am sick of, year after year, hearing and reading outrageous instances of pig-Spanish in movies and tv programs, even by Spanish-speaking actors, what seem to be norm and not the exception. What's the problem with them? Don't they have any Spanish speaking person to ask what to say or write? I'm aware they are hard to find in Southern California

And I'm not talking about simple misspellings, like the "aeropueto" used in the Benny Hill sketch from the seventies. It was just a misspelling, in the UK and during pre-Internet ages.
I've just watched
la gota que derramó el vaso. In the opening of The Answer Man, the following press comments about a book, "this book will either be a life-changing experience or it'll drive you nuts with its new-agey tone" is shown in Spanish, as part of the international success of the book, as "Este libro será una experiencia vida-cambiante, o it' impulsión de ll usted nuts con su nuevo-agey tono".
I am not talking of questionable distortions of uses to make a plot or clumsiness on part of the writers, like the episode of Law & Order where an Argentine woman is caught calling
gronchos some kind of people when in fact the actress could be described as a
groncha herself, or like the episode of White Collar where a woman just arrived from Argentina is telling "this temperature is nothing compared to what I was experiencing yesterday" in a conversation taking place during an extremely hot summer day in New York.
I'm talking of short phrases and dialogues that have nothing to do with the plot and that are very easy to get right. It just has to be both laziness and mostly cultural contempt what causes that, me thinks.