Old July 04, 2010, 02:21 PM
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Exchange Server question

Do you have hosting service?
Look I bought a hosting service on Mexico, but I can't do a relay from my exchange server to my server, because the company what gives the service doesn't has the service available and well just I need to find a service for I can keep a website and also I need to have a lookup DNS for my Exchange server.

That service you have currently has that service?
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Last edited by Rusty; July 05, 2010 at 08:19 PM. Reason: moved discussion to its own thread
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Old July 04, 2010, 03:23 PM
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I'm having a little trouble understanding precisely what you require. Are you in need of a DNS server? If so, they are freely offered from companies like Google (I can post you a link if you want, but search for "free dns server" and you'll find a lot).

If you are looking for a host that provides an Exchange server for your local client to connect to, that is not something my host (midPhase) provides with my plan. Generally servers with Exchange are more expensive since they need to license the software from Microsoft.

If you are running your own Exchange server on your local system, then I am confused about your question and request that you give me more details. Are you wishing to allow other people to connect to your local system through some website address? This could be accomplished with free services like the site called no-ip (again a Google search will find you the link) which allow you to associate a specific website URL with your dynamic local IP address.
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Old July 05, 2010, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Tarential View Post
I'm having a little trouble understanding precisely what you require. Are you in need of a DNS server? If so, they are freely offered from companies like Google (I can post you a link if you want, but search for "free dns server" and you'll find a lot).

If you are looking for a host that provides an Exchange server for your local client to connect to, that is not something my host (midPhase) provides with my plan. Generally servers with Exchange are more expensive since they need to license the software from Microsoft.

If you are running your own Exchange server on your local system, then I am confused about your question and request that you give me more details. Are you wishing to allow other people to connect to your local system through some website address? This could be accomplished with free services like the site called no-ip (again a Google search will find you the link) which allow you to associate a specific website URL with your dynamic local IP address.
Yes precisely I have installed in my office a Microsoft Exchange server for the use of my employees, but as I told you before, what I hired a service of MX on my country trough of the website www.nic.mx and well certeinly they can't offer me the DNS Server as relay in my server, because they use all their system with Linux and it can't be possible as an alternative for me, then I'm searching a service where I can get a DNS service relay or DNS Look- up like to a DNS server with IP address.

Because I can send in my intranet e-mail between us, but I cannot send e-mails out of my intranet to other domains server, then I have in needed to send e-mail outside of my network.

For that reason I was asking you if your console use consoles DNS or if your provide hosting give you that choice.

I have tried with DynDNS.org before, but they a similar choice or service for me, but only they give me a Look up DNS for my Exchange server trough of their server with a limiting of that I can send more than 500 MB per day and it doesn't work for me, already my service require more than 500 MB per day, so I'll can send more files bigger, then I need a service with more bandwidth for my server.

Therefore I slip buying by a year with nic Mexico the service that finally didn't work for me and well now I need to find other service what it can gives me the I need in really, nonetheless I believe what I can do a bridge with a server with good DNS installed.

For that my question.

Best regards.
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Last edited by CrOtALiTo; July 05, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
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Old July 05, 2010, 02:04 AM
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Hmm now I'm more confused than before.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
I hired a service of MX on my country trough of the website www.nic.mx
Do you mean that you registered your own domain? That site is a registrar so I assume it is what you meant.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
and well certeinly they can't offer me the DNS Server as relay in my server, because they use all their system with Linux and it can't be possible as an alternative for me
DNS is completely independent of operating system. It is a network protocol that can be accessed by any IP compatible device. It is simply a translation of a website URL (ie www.google.com) to an IP address ( or even multiple IP addresses (for backup servers). So if they are using a Linux based DNS server, you can still have your exchange server access it.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
then I'm searching a service where I can get a DNS service relay or DNS Look- up like to a DNS server with IP address.
Sorry, but I completely do not understand what you mean by this sentence. What is a DNS service relay? I've never heard of it. Neither has Google. I've heard of a DNS relay cache on a router, but that is simply a local DNS server that stores commonly used URLs, it can't be what you need.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
Because I can send in my intranet e-mail between us, but I cannot send e-mails out of my intranet to other domains server, then I have in needed to send e-mail outside of my network.
If I understand this correctly I must come back to my original question: Do you simply need a DNS server so that your Exchange server can translate, say, billy@yahoo.com into the proper server IP? I don't see what else you could be asking for.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
For that reason I was asking you if your console use consoles DNS or if your provide hosting give you that choice.
I have to assume here by "console" you mean my "Internet service provider (ISP)". Yes I use my ISP's DNS server because it is the fastest. I don't believe that my web host provides a DNS server -- I see no reason it would. After all, there are many free ones available, plus all ISPs offer one.

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
I have tried with DynDNS.org before, but they a similar choice or service for me, but only they give me a Look up DNS for my Exchange server trough of their server with a limiting of that I can send more than 500 MB per day and it doesn't work for me, already my service require more than 500 MB per day, so I'll can send more files bigger, then I need a service with more bandwidth for my server.
DynDNS is a service similar to No-IP, but I must clarify here that they are not really DNS servers. They simply offer redirects from their servers to your home IP (which they track with your help). If this is the kind of service you are looking for then for clarification please call it a "dynamic IP tracking system" or something similar.

I would really like to help but the terms you are using to describe your problem are not used that way in English. Perhaps there is someone else here who is knowledgeable about computers and speaks Spanish fluently who can assist with the translation or the problem itself. If not, I'll try to do what I can anyway.
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Old July 05, 2010, 11:05 AM
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Thank you for the help.

Only I want a DNS service from any place, for what I can send e-mails out of my intranet.
And I know what is a DNS.
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Old July 05, 2010, 01:19 PM
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My friend, this cannot be all you require. If so, there is no reason for any of this. I will give you Google's free ones here like I suggested you search for in my first reply:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

They are free, there is no need to buy any service or set up an account.

But I suspect you need something else besides a DNS server, or I don't understand why there was this big problem. DNS servers are very common and not difficult to acquire. Your personal computer must of a necessity already know a DNS server, which it likely got through the DHCP protocol from your router which in turn got it from your ISP. You could easily use your ISP's DNS server if you wanted to, because that is part of what you pay them for.

I cannot stress this enough: I am not trying to be rude, but the words you choose to use do not show an understanding of the concepts involved. I assume that this is because of an error in translation, not an error in your understanding. Yet the error exists, and it is making it very difficult for me to help. I think, if you are not looking for a DNS server as I have posted a solution to twice already, that someone else who speaks Spanish fluently would be better suited to help you than I.
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Old July 05, 2010, 04:02 PM
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Tengo instalado un Microsoft Exchange Server en mi servidor, la cual he creado la cuentas necesarias para poder enviar correos por medio de SMTP a traves de mi red solo adentro de mi red, entonces ahora requiero enviar correos fuera de mi red como servidores Hotmail or Yahoo or otros servidores cualquiera en la internet, pero no puedo porque no cuento un DNS relay o un servicio de DNS para configurar mis conectores de internet en Server Exchange.

Te digo compre un servicio de dominio en www.nic.mx, pero eso no me funciono porque ellos no manejan esos servicios entonces te pregunte si tienes en tu consola el servicio de Lookup DNS para enviar correos por medio de un servidor Exchange osea que pueda configurar mi conectores con alguna IP fija o dedicada y pueda enviar a traves de esas DNS salgan a internet los correos del Server Exchange.

I hope can you understand in Spanish my requiring.

Se que hay servicios de DNS gratuitos en internet, pero ellos solo te ofrencen el redireccionamiento gratuito mas no hosting.
Entonces tu me estas explicando sobre el uso de la DNS la cual ya lo se, solo requiero el servicio y si conoces alguno.


Look I can give you an idea about what truly I need with the DNS.

Please read this.

MailHop Outbound

The MailHop® Outbound allows you you to send mail from anywhere by using our secure, authenticated outbound SMTP relay server. You can reach it on networks which block common mail servers since you can reach it on standard and non-standard ports. Whether your ISP does not allow you to send mail or if you are somewhere that has no outgoing mail server, MailHop Outbound lets you send mail.

MailHop Outbound service is not active for this account.
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Last edited by CrOtALiTo; July 05, 2010 at 04:15 PM.
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Old July 05, 2010, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post
Tengo instalado un Microsoft Exchange Server en mi servidor, la cual he creado la cuentas necesarias para poder enviar correos por medio de SMTP a traves de mi red solo adentro de mi red, entonces ahora requiero enviar correos fuera de mi red como servidores Hotmail or Yahoo or otros servidores cualquiera en la internet, pero no puedo porque no cuento un DNS relay o un servicio de DNS para configurar mis conectores de internet en Server Exchange.

Te digo compre un servicio de dominio en www.nic.mx, pero eso no me funciono porque ellos no manejan esos servicios entonces te pregunte si tienes en tu consola el servicio de Lookup DNS para enviar correos por medio de un servidor Exchange osea que pueda configurar mi conectores con alguna IP fija o dedicada y pueda enviar a traves de esas DNS salgan a internet los correos del Server Exchange.

I hope can you understand in Spanish my requiring.

Se que hay servicios de DNS gratuitos en internet, pero ellos solo te ofrencen el redireccionamiento gratuito mas no hosting.
Entonces tu me estas explicando sobre el uso de la DNS la cual ya lo se, solo requiero el servicio y si conoces alguno.

I have installed MS Exchange Server, in which I have created the necessary accounts so that I could send mail through SMPT using as an intranet mean, but now I need to send mail outside my net using services such as Hotmail or Yahoo or other servers, but I can't because I lack a DNS relay or DNS service to configure mi connectors to internet in the Exchange Server.

....the service to www.nic.mx didn't work for me because they don't handle those services, then I asked you if you have, in your console, DNS service to send mail through a server from Exchange, in other words, that I could configure my connectors with a fixed or dedicated IP so that I can send through those DNS out to the internet the mail from Exchange...

(sorry, I made my best)
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Old July 05, 2010, 04:45 PM
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Thank you Chileno for the translation.
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Old July 05, 2010, 08:04 PM
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This message you posted:
"The MailHop® Outbound allows you you to send mail from anywhere by using our secure, authenticated outbound SMTP relay server. You can reach it on networks which block common mail servers since you can reach it on standard and non-standard ports. Whether your ISP does not allow you to send mail or if you are somewhere that has no outgoing mail server, MailHop Outbound lets you send mail."

This implies that you are trying to send mail and that your ISP is blocking the SMTP ports. What you require, if that is so, has nothing to do with DNS. Honestly, your continued mentions of lacking DNS relay/service is just confusing me. I have re-read all your posts from the first and if I ignore any mention of DNS your problem becomes much more clear. Based on the description minus DNS:

You have a local Exchange server. You can send Intranet messages. You can't send Internet messages to other servers like Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.

If this is true, the problem is very simple and clear: Your ISP blocks port 25, which is required for your local Exchange server to connect to other global mail servers. You require an external SMTP server configured to allow you to relay messages through it. To come back to the original question, then, the answer is yes my web host provides an SMTP server I can send messages through. Virtually any paid hosting will provide you this service (free hosts may or may not).

As far as DNS servers and Exchange goes, I should have known right from the start that couldn't be the problem. If you are running a local Exchange server on your desktop computer then Exchange will use the exact same DNS server as your web browser. Thus, if you are able to surf the Internet, which you clearly are, then your DNS servers are already working properly. You have a problem with SMTP, not DNS.

Sorry to keep stressing the issue but I must. You had me going for a long time insisting that it was a DNS problem. I took your word for it and I shouldn't have (golden rule in tech support is to assess the problem yourself, never rely on someone's opinion), which wasted a lot of time. An inability to send outbound mail via Exchange on a computer that is able to browse domains on the Internet can not possibly have anything to do with DNS problems.

Last edited by Tarential; July 05, 2010 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Ruled out DNS as a problem
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