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vivianne July 18, 2008 01:02 AM

Can anyone give me advice on a French language course in France?
Hello all! After hearing so much about the great adventure of spending some time abroad, I am planning on taking a trip myself once I have finished school this year to improve my language skills. There are a couple of exchange students at my school who showed me what an enlightening experience it can be to live in a different culture and experience it. A friend of mine is from Italy and came to our beautiful city to do a Vacanze di studio Londra here. He says it has been one of the best decisions of his life and now he speaks English absolutely fluently!

Since I am studying French in school here I am thinking about going to France! I would love to get to know the French culture and to explore beautiful cities like Paris, Cannes or Montpellier. Can anyone give me advice on a French language course in France?

After the language course I am also planning to do some traveling around Europe. I would like to see more French cities and visit some other European countries like Italy and Spain. Can anyone recommend some Spanish or Italian cities that I should definitely visit on my trip? My friend told me the best way to travel around – as well in Great Britain as in other countries in Europe – is to use the Britrail. If any traveler has any tips on this please let me now.

As I am just starting to organize this stay abroad I am still very flexible and would be happy for any recommendations or suggestions concerning the language course or the trip through Europe!

sosia July 18, 2008 01:32 AM

About the french course I ahve no clue.
Lot of young people use the railpass, but you must control the schedule of the s, and usualyy they sleep in the trains :D
Saying cities woth knowing in Spain or Italy could fill 3 pages.
You must think how many days you have and make a proper schedule.
It's not the same one month or three months.
Saludos :D

poli July 18, 2008 06:33 AM

Madrid, Cordoba, Seville are three places that are easily accessable by the fast train AVE. Madrid is the capital, and it's very lively and cultural.Córdoba and Seville are more tropical looking and have a beautiful Moorish ambiance without the restrictive cultural and religious demands associated with countries directly to the south. These places are worth a visit, and they are very easy and fast to get to from Madrid which is connected to the world with an architecturally significant airport.

sosia July 18, 2008 09:40 AM

Y Ganada?? Y Barcelona?? Y Valencia?? Y Zaragoza (World Expo)??
And Ask Elaina for Italy :D ......

Tomisimo July 18, 2008 04:46 PM

Yo sí quisiera ir a Zaragoza a ver la expo.... pero no creo que sea posible :(.

Elaina July 30, 2008 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by sosia (Post 12341)
Y Ganada?? Y Barcelona?? Y Valencia?? Y Zaragoza (World Expo)??
And Ask Elaina for Italy :D ......

Not yet, year, remember?


Amanpour August 01, 2008 06:21 PM

Italy is a great place, cities like Venice, Rome, Florence and one of my personal favourite, Sassi di Matera are a must see, of course there are so many other beautiful cities with their rich romantic setting. The interesting thing is that with a relative knowledge of Spanish, you wouldn´t feel completely lost in Italy.
I´ll be going to live in Spain for a while myself, so any additional information will be welcome.

Jane August 02, 2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Amanpour (Post 13123)
I´ll be going to live in Spain for a while myself, so any additional information will be welcome.

It depends on the city you´re going to live in. But, most cities in Spain are great Tourist attractions. Madrid is great place, if you love city life.:D

Amanpour August 04, 2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jane (Post 13150)
It depends on the city you´re going to live in. But, most cities in Spain are great Tourist attractions. Madrid is great place, if you love city life.:D

Thanks, Jane.

poli August 04, 2008 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Amanpour (Post 13123)
Italy is a great place, cities like Venice, Rome, Florence and one of my personal favourite, Sassi di Matera are a must see, of course there are so many other beautiful cities with their rich romantic setting. The interesting thing is that with a relative knowledge of Spanish, you wouldn´t feel completely lost in Italy.
I´ll be going to live in Spain for a while myself, so any additional information will be welcome.

Of course Italy is well known for its culture and classic beauty. It lives up to its reputation there, but politically Italy is in horrible shape (they are finger -printing all gypsies even children, and the police are focusing on attacking the immigrant populaton.) and I would hesitate before going there so as not to encourage the of the powers that be by patronizing them. Spain is truly historic and cultural and kind of fun, and very different from Italy. Spanish cities have a lot to offer, and not just Madrid and Barcelona.The countryside, however drab and desert -like unless you go northwest. Summer is a bad time to go unless you like relentless heat and crowded beaches. US, Caribbean and Mexican beaches are better. I think Spain is best for its cultural cities. Andalucia in southern Spain is beautiful in late spring and early fall when it is still quite warm. Its cities have much of the feel and look of its Moorish past which make it seem exotic.

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