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Tomisimo August 03, 2009 06:52 PM

La Cocina — Kitchen


 Spanish  English 
 alacenaNF  cupboard 
 batidoraNF  mixer 
 cocinaNF  kitchen, cuisine 
 estufaNF  stove 
 fregaderoNM  kitchen sink 
 hornoNM  oven 
 hornoNM de microondas  microwave oven 
 licuadoraNF  blender 
 procesadorNM de alimentos  food processor 
 refriNM  fridge 
 refrigeradorNM  refrigerator 
 escurridorNM  dish rack 
 gabineteNM  cabinet 
 tostadorNM  toaster 
 tostadoraNF  toaster 
 electrodomésticosNMP  kitchen appliances 
 antecomedorNM  kitchen table and chairs 
 despensaNF  pantry 
 encimeraNF (Spain)  counter 
 campanaNF extractora  oven hood, oven vent 
 parrillaNF  grill 
 planchaNF  griddle 
 gofreraNF  waffle iron 
 waffleraNF  waffle iron 
 lavaplatosNM  dishwasher 
 lavavajillasNM  dishwasher 
 hornoNM tostador  toaster oven 
 cafeteraNF  coffee maker 
 máquinaNF de café NM  coffee maker 

UtensiliosNMP - Utensils

 Spanish  English 
 abrelatasNM  can opener 
 azucareraNF  sugar bowl 
 bateríaNF de cocina  cooking set (pots and pans) 
 coladeraNF, coladorNM  strainer 
 cucharaNF  spoon 
 cuchilloNM  knife 
 ollaNF  cooking pot 
 olla expressNF, olla de presiónNF  pressure cooker 
 pimenteroNM  pepper grinder 
 platoNM  plate 
 saleroNM  salt shaker 
 sarténNMF  pan, saucepan, frying pan 
 taza medidoraNF  measuring cup 
 tazaNF  mug 
 tazaNF para caféNM  coffee cup 
 tazónNM  bowl 
 tenedorNM  fork 
 vajillaNF  the dishes, china set, set of dishes 
 exprimidorNM de limonesNMP  lemon juicer 
 ralladorNM  grater 
 cubiertosNMP  silverware, flatware, set of utensils 
 cascanuecesNM  nutcracker 
 llaveNF del aguaNFEL  faucet, water faucet, tap 

EspeciasNFP - Spices

 Spanish  English 
 ajoNM  garlic 
 apioNM  celery 
 azúcarNMF  sugar 
 azúcarNMF moreno/a  brown sugar 
 azúcarNMF glas  powdered sugar, confectioner's sugar 
 canelaNF  cinnamon 
 cebollaNF  onion 
 cilantroNM  coriander 
 clavoNM  clove 
 cominoNM  cumin 
 especiasNFP  spices 
 perejilNM  parsley 
 pimientaNF  pepper 
 salNF  salt 
 piloncilloNM  bar of raw sugar? 
 mascabadoNM  raw sugar? 

AngelicaDeAlquezar August 03, 2009 08:12 PM

@David: "tasón" is rather "tazón" :)

I will add some more:

Horno de microondas (el) - microwave oven
Licuadora (la) (essential in a Mexican kitchen) - blender
Batidora (la) - mixer
Procesador de alimentos (el) - Food processor
Alacena (la) - cupboard
Fregadero (el) - kitchen sink

I have a confusion on translation for "exprimidor de jugos" (the one for squeezing oranges) and "extractor de jugos" (the one for extracting juice of all kinds of fruits and vegetables). Is there a difference between juicer and juice extractor?

Utensilios - Utensils
Salero (el) - salt shaker
Pimentero (el) - pepper grinder
Azucarera (la) - sugar bowl
Olla express/olla de presión (la) - pressure cooker (?)
Olla (la) - cooking pot (?)
Vajilla (la) - the dishes
Batería de cocina (la) - cooking set
Coladera (la)/colador (el) - strainer

Ingredientes - Ingredients
Azúcar (el/la) - sugar
Especias (las) - spices
Ajo (el) - garlic
Cebolla (la) - onion
Cilantro (el) - coriander
Perejil (el) - parsley
Apio (el) - celery
Clavo (el) - clove
Comino (el) - cummin
Canela (la) - cinnamon

I might make another list as I see more items in my kitchen after dinner tonight. ;)

Tomisimo August 03, 2009 10:10 PM

Thank you for the corrections and the additions. Great work!


exprimidor = juicer, hand juicer, citrus juicer, citrus press. (This would be a hand-powered juicer where you insert half an orange and press down on a handle to squeeze it OR the small dome-shaped juicer that you place over a jar and press half an orange onto while turning the orange)

extractor = juicer, electric juicer (this would be an appliance with spinning blades that you can feed any fruit or vegetable into to grind it up and extract the juice.)

ROBINDESBOIS August 04, 2009 02:21 AM

despensa - pantry
campana- gas extractor
encimera- counter

irmamar August 04, 2009 02:36 AM

We don't say either "tasa" or "tasón", but "taza" and "tazón". :)

AngelicaDeAlquezar August 04, 2009 01:16 PM

Found a few more:

Escurridor (el) - dish rack
Gabinete (el) - cabinet
Tostador (el) - toaster
Electrodomésticos (los) - kitchen appliances
Antecomedor (el) - table and chairs set in the kitchen

One more confusion here with "las llaves del agua": should I use "tap" or "faucet"?

Utensilios - Utensils

Rallador (el) - grater
Cubiertos (los) - forks, spoons and knives set
Cascanueces (el) - nutcracker

Tomisimo August 04, 2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS (Post 44483)
despensa - pantry

I know despensa as a box of basic (staple) foods and ingredients. Is this another meaning?


Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS (Post 44483)
campana- gas extractor

What is this used for? I've never heard of a gas extractor to be honest.


Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar (Post 44626)
One more confusion here with "las llaves del agua": should I use "tap" or "faucet"?

I would say faucet is more common, but both can be used.

AngelicaDeAlquezar August 04, 2009 05:36 PM

@David: Thank you, I will take note about them.

La campana (o campana extractora) está encima de la estufa para evitar que la cocina se llene de humo o de olores.

"Despensa" is also the cupboard to store those foods and ingredients. I've seen pictures of "pantry" and they are exactly what the "despensa" would be.

Tomisimo August 04, 2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar (Post 44641)
@David: Thank you, I will take note about them.

La campana (o campana extractora) está encima de la estufa para evitar que la cocina se llene de humo o de olores.

"Despensa" is also the cupboard to store those foods and ingredients. I've seen pictures of "pantry" and they are exactly what the "despensa" would be.

Ok, I've updated the page. Thanks for the info.

Rusty August 04, 2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar (Post 44641)
La campana (o campana extractora) está encima de la estufa para evitar que la cocina se llene de humo o de olores.

Oven hood/oven vent

Exprimidor de limones needs a gender.

El refri, el refrigerador, la refrigeradora, el frigorífico, la nevera, el helador y la heladora - in which countries are these terms used, and which is most frequently used?

grill - la parrilla
griddle - la plancha
waffle iron - la gofrera
dishwasher - el lavaplatos
toaster - la tostadora, el tostador
toaster oven - el horno tostador
coffee maker - la cafetera, la máquina de café

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