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Constantin May 31, 2023 12:10 PM

Ahí va, como el caballo de copas

"Sea de ello lo que quiera, ahí va, como el caballo de copas."

It it easier for me to express myself in English. Later I will do it in Spanish, of course - I can understand a lot of Spanish (reading) but I have no opportunities to practise the spoken language.

I am reading "El monte de las ánimas" de Bécquer and I came across
"Sea de ello lo que quiera, ahí va, como el caballo de copas".

I know what "caballo de copas" means en la baraja española y el tarot but in the context above I have no idea.

Could you help me, please?

Muchas gracias y un saludo cordial desde el Sur de Alemania.

AngelicaDeAlquezar May 31, 2023 05:49 PM

I've never heard it as a set expression, but Wikipedia says that in some version of the deck printed in Valencia, the card has this motto: "Ai va" (In Spanish, "Ahí va".)
The phrase would be used express some admiration for a hero or an important character passing by.

So, in this context, Bécquer is just quoting the motto, to introduce the story, as if nothing could stop it from being told, or as it is as miraculous a story, that has to be admired.

In current language, we often introduce stories with "ahí va" with no special meaning. We just start the narration and letting people listen and enjoy it ...or not. ;)

Constantin June 01, 2023 05:13 AM

Thank you very much for the prompt and detailed explanation.

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