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cutiepie April 11, 2008 05:29 PM

What is the proper Spanish translation for the word "junkyard"?

Marsopa April 11, 2008 07:49 PM

I say deshuesadero.

Rusty April 11, 2008 08:39 PM

If you mean the place where cars, and other vehicles or appliances, are stockpiled for parts and eventual scrapping, Marsopa provided the proper word. If you're asking about the dump (garbage dump, dump yard), that is translated vertedero or basural.

Tomisimo April 11, 2008 10:27 PM

Rusty and Marsopa are right, and just to throw a couple of other generic, useful words out there, you might try chatarrería or depósito de chatarra.

For bonus points, ¿sabían que un junkyard or deshuesadero se llama en español un yonke a lo largo de la frontera México-EEUU?

Picture credit: chengyee and drcohen.

Alfonso April 12, 2008 08:05 AM

In Spain we say cementerio de coches. I had never heard before of deshuesadero or yonke.

And, for garbage dump, we say vertedero or basurero, here more common than Rusty's basural.

Chatarrería and chatarra are also common words in Spain.

Iris April 12, 2008 08:18 AM

I know it's just a typo (your Spanish is very good:D) , but the word is CEMENTERIO not cementario.

Alfonso April 12, 2008 08:22 AM

Thanks a lot, Iris. Good point! I've already corrected it.

Tomisimo April 12, 2008 11:10 AM

Hadn't heard cementerio de coches before. Thanks for the info.

Rusty April 12, 2008 03:01 PM

Un cementerio de coches is very much like our 'car graveyard,' another way to say junkyard.

Iris April 12, 2008 03:49 PM

That's a new one. I had always said car dump.

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