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Tomisimo March 12, 2009 11:22 AM

Papiamento - Portuguese creole language with influences from Spanish, Dutch & English
I found listening to these videos quite entertaining. I was able to understand most of it but it sure sounds different. Rusty, knowing both Spanish and Portuguese should have an easier time. This seems to be called Papiamento and is a Portuguese creole language with influences from multiple languages. Can you understand it?

This one starts out in English, then switches to Papiamento.

poli March 12, 2009 09:24 PM

I know someone from Aruba who speaks Papiamento(as well as Spanish , English, French and Dutch). He told me that there is a lot of Dutch words in Papiamento, but I was not able to discern any Dutch in the clips you presented. To me, it sounds like a Portuguese person with only some knowledge of Spanish trying to speak Spanish . It doesnt seem that hard to understand.

Rusty March 12, 2009 09:37 PM

The plurals are influenced by Italian, or something like it. The words seem like a nice mix of Spanish and Portuguese, otherwise, so it is mostly understandable. Nothing stood out to me as being Dutch, either.

brute June 13, 2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 28617)
The plurals are influenced by Italian, or something like it. The words seem like a nice mix of Spanish and Portuguese, otherwise, so it is mostly understandable. Nothing stood out to me as being Dutch, either.

muy interesante. Definitely a mix of Spanish and Portuguese. The spelling is rather different. I could not hear anything Dutch in it either.

irmamar June 14, 2009 12:42 AM

I didn't know this language, but I think it sounds like a mix of Spanish and Portuguese, too. It's not difficult to understand. So much "k" is a bit surprising.

CrOtALiTo June 14, 2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tomisimo (Post 28577)
I found listening to these videos quite entertaining. I was able to understand most of it but it sure sounds different. Rusty, knowing both Spanish and Portuguese should have an easier time. This seems to be called Papiamento and is a Portuguese creole language with influences from multiple languages. Can you understand it?

This one starts out in English, then switches to Papiamento.

David it's spoken in Portuguese, I can't listen anything in Spanish, although I tried to listen them severals times, I can't understand them anything because they are spoken in Portuguese.

They does about to speak?

brute June 16, 2009 04:48 PM

Papiamento is definitely Spanish , according to the new automatic language identifier!! I pasted a few sentences into the empty box and the result was:

Spanish, reliable, 18.8 % (With only one sentence I got Galician.)
I have found a Dutch word in the texts - OF (for OR)

Text to Detect:Awe ta Dia di Prensa, un dia ku periodista i trahadónan den prensa ta reflekshoná riba e trabou diario ku nan ta desplegá dor di mantené komunidat informá di loke ta pasa tantu lokalmente komo riba... El mejor beatboxer k existe, esta version del video no tiene cortes y salen 4 canciones mas k en otros El mejor beatboxer k existe, esta version del video no tiene cortes y salen 4 canciones mas k en otros Category: MusicTags: Beatbox Beat box oloño Awe ta Dia di Prensa, un dia ku periodista i trahadónan den prensa ta reflekshoná riba e trabou diario ku nan ta desplegá dor di mantené komunidat informá di loke ta pasa tantu lokalmente komo riba plano internashonal. Un bon dia tambe pa nos kompartí algu masha importante ku televidentenan ku ta sigui e boletinnan diario di TeleNotisia. Redakshon di TeleNotisia ta funshoná a base di un Kódigo di Etika i Honor di kua nos ta presenta'bo e kontenido awe. Tags: telecuracao telenotisia curacao korsou notisia un free del kodigo...Reke & cruel.. desde la THR produccioness saaprezz saludosss pa la bandaaaa bater garo roek chaos lalo gambolla mamer The longer the text is, the more reliable the result will be. In other words, use two to five full sentences instead of just a couple of words, when possible. Result:
  • Language: Spanish (es)
  • Is this result reliable?: Yes
  • Confidence level: 18.8%
Text to Detect:Awe ta Dia di Prensa, un dia ku periodista i trahadónan den prensa ta reflekshoná riba e trabou diario ku nan ta desplegá dor di mantené komunidat informá di loke ta pasa tantu lokalmente komo riba... El mejor beatboxer k existe, esta version del video no tiene cortes y salen 4 canciones mas k en otros El mejor beatboxer k existe, esta version del video no tiene cortes y salen 4 canciones mas k en otros Category: MusicTags: Beatbox Beat box oloño Awe ta Dia di Prensa, un dia ku periodista i trahadónan den prensa ta reflekshoná riba e trabou diario ku nan ta desplegá dor di mantené komunidat informá di loke ta pasa tantu lokalmente komo riba plano internashonal. Un bon dia tambe pa nos kompartí algu masha importante ku televidentenan ku ta sigui e boletinnan diario di TeleNotisia. Redakshon di TeleNotisia ta funshoná a base di un Kódigo di Etika i Honor di kua nos ta presenta'bo e kontenido awe. Tags: telecuracao telenotisia curacao korsou notisia un free del kodigo...Reke & cruel.. desde la THR produccioness saaprezz saludosss pa la bandaaaa bater garo roek chaos lalo gambolla mamer The longer the text is, the more reliable the result will be. In other words, use two to five full sentences instead of just a couple of words, when possible. Result:
  • Language: Spanish (es)
  • Is this result reliable?: Yes
  • Confidence level: 18.8%

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