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jellybabe September 24, 2013 12:34 PM

Como se dice "past"?

Por ejemplo

"She kept riding past (our house) on her bike"

"Muchas veces pasaba por delante de la casa montada en bici" ?

"As he walked past the box, it fell on him/0ver"

"Cuando pasó al lado de la caja, se la cayó/se cayó" ?

"Your in my way, can you move over" Quiero saber como se diría esto a mi marido por ejemplo, asi que quiero la versión mas informal!!!


AngelicaDeAlquezar September 24, 2013 06:24 PM

Hello. Please make an effort to insert Spanish characters. They are not gratuitous.

And please post your own attempt for the last one, and we'll help you to correct it if needed.


Originally Posted by jellybabe (Post 143483)
¿Cómo se dice "past"?

Por ejemplo:

"She kept riding past (our house) on her bike"

"Muchas veces pasaba (This conjugation is correct if you are thinking of a habit she had in the past. But if this is something that happened only some times and never again, you should better use the simple past) por delante de la casa *** (Insert a comma here or it will be the house the one that is riding the bicycle) montada en bici" ?

"As he walked past the box, it fell on him/over"

"Cuando pasó al lado de la caja, se la cayó /se cayó" ?

"You're in my way, can you move over?"

jellybabe September 25, 2013 07:27 AM

Pero se puede decir

"Cuando pasó al de la caja, se le cayó" "When he walked past the box it fell on him"?

Es que la frase " You're in my way, can you move" No tengo ni idea como decirlo.

"Estas en medio, muevete" o algo asi?

AngelicaDeAlquezar September 25, 2013 02:17 PM

Thank you for inserting Spanish characters. It makes all the difference. :)


Originally Posted by jellybabe (Post 143507)
"Cuando pasó al de (If you keep these extra words, you would be talking about a person who had a box; they should be deleted, since this is not what you mean) la caja, se le cayó (This alone, would mean that he dropped the box, which isn't what you mean either. To make the idea complete that it fell on him, you need an adverb like "encima")" "When he walked past the box it fell on him"?

Es que la frase " You're in my way, can you move" no tengo ni idea de cómo decirlo (Check your gender agreement with "frase").

***(Never forget opening question marks or your reader doesn't know that this is a question) "Estas (Note that if you don't write the proper accent here, you are saying "these" instead of "you are") en medio, muevete" o algo así? Your proposal is fine; you can also try inserting "en el camino/paso"... You can use use the verb "quitarse" instead of moverse too. And if you want to keep your original structure with "can", you can make a combination of these verbs with "poder" conjugated in the conditional form. :)

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