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Pasajero November 28, 2013 03:18 PM

¡Hola amigos!
¡Hola amigos!
Por favor, dejame saber que errores en siguiente texto:

¡Buenas noches!

¡Estoy muy orgulloso que soy tu primero amigo con quién tu escribirse en español!

¿Cuando vas a Madrid y por cuanto dias?, ¿Has estado en Madrid antes?

No tengo planes para las vacasiones todaviá y esto es debido a otros gastos-¡Ohala pudiera!*

En mi caso-hay que vivir hasta verano :)

¡Hablamos pronto!


Rusty November 28, 2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pasajero (Post 145219)
¡Hola amigos!
Por favor, dejame saber que errores () en () siguiente texto:

¡Buenas noches!

¡Estoy muy orgulloso () que soy tu primero amigo con quién tu escribirse en español!

¿Cuando vas a Madrid y por cuanto() dias?, ¿Has estado en Madrid antes?

No tengo planes para las vacasiones todav y esto es debido a otros gastos-¡Ohala pudiera!*

En mi caso-hay que vivir hasta () verano :)

¡Hablamos pronto!


Welcome to the forums! I've marked in red what needs to be fixed. The empty parentheses indicate missing content.

Pasajero November 29, 2013 11:24 AM

Thank you so much for your welcome!

1) I didn't get why you have marked a letter "e" in dejame
2) What do you mean by missing content-what should I put in after orgulloso?
3) Why "O" marked as red in the word primero

Could you please correct me so that I could understand my mistakes?

Thank you!

Rusty November 29, 2013 07:57 PM

I will give hints as to why things were marked.


... dejame saber que errores () en () siguiente texto
When a verb is suffixed with a pronoun, the original stress must be retained.
The next word flagged must be differentiated from the conjunction.
The missing word after 'errores' is a verb.
The article is missing.

¡Estoy muy orgulloso () que soy tu primero amigo con quién tu escribirse en español!
'Estar orgulloso' is always followed by a preposition. You're stating what you're proud of.
The conjunction that follows the missing preposition is introducing a secondary clause. I didn't mark it before, but the verb 'soy', which you correctly conjugated in the indicative mood, should not be used at all. This is because there is no change in subject - 'I am proud that I am'. When there is no change in subject, you should not introduce a secondary clause. Just use the infinitive form instead of the conjugated verb.
When 'primero' precedes a noun, the final 'o' is elided.
The relative pronoun doesn't need an accent mark.
The next pronoun needs to be distinguished as a subject pronoun, if you're going to use it. It isn't needed. The verb, when correctly conjugated, will convey the person in its ending.
The verb must be conjugated, and it should not be pronominal.

¿Cuando vas a Madrid y por cuanto() dias?
The interrogative is marked in a special way to indicate that it is an interrogative.
The adjective is marked because it needs to agree in number with the word it modifies.
The noun the adjective modifies is misspelled.

... vacasiones todav ... ¡Ohala pudiera!
Misspelled words.

... hay que vivir hasta () verano.
You're missing an article (and I added a period at the end of your sentence).

Pasajero December 02, 2013 07:52 AM

Thank you very much Rusty!
Well, I didn't get all stuff that you wrote, but still-thank you!

Could I ask you to re-write my text in the way you would have wrote it?
This way I could learn better and would notice my mistakes immediately.

Rusty December 02, 2013 05:24 PM

Go ahead and rewrite the text, improving on it as you go by reading the hints I gave. If you have questions about the hints, note them as you try your best to improve the text. If you still have errors after your best attempt, we'll let you know where they are and better hints will be given.

Pasajero December 03, 2013 07:23 AM

Ok Rusty, I will try:

Por favor, déjame saber qué errores EXISTEN en el siguiente texto:
Estoy muy orgulloso DE que ser tu primer amigo con quien escribirte en español.
¿Cuando vas a Madrid y por cuantoS dias?
a) The interrogative is marked in a special way to indicate that it is an interrogative.?????

b)The noun the adjective modifies is misspelled?????

No tengo planes para las vacaciones todavÍa... ¡OhalÁ pudiera!

En mi caso-hay que vivir hasta EL verano. ( I did't see the period you have added)

Thank you so much for your assistance!

Rusty December 03, 2013 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pasajero (Post 145279)
Ok Rusty, I will try: :thumbsup:

Por favor, déjame saber qué errores EXISTEN en el siguiente texto: :thumbsup:
(you could also use 'hay' instead of 'existen')
(it's also possible to say 'cuales son los errores en ...' instead of 'qué errores existen en ...')

Estoy muy orgulloso DE :good:
que ser tu primer amigo con quien escribirte en español. :bad: (see comments after the quoted block)

¿Cuando vas a Madrid y por cuantoS dias?
a) The interrogative is marked in a special way to indicate that it is an interrogative.????? (The vowel I marked is supposed to be accented. All interrogatives have an accented vowel to distinguish them as interrogatives.)

b)The noun the adjective modifies is misspelled????? (The word 'dias' isn't spelled correctly.)

No tengo planes para las vacaciones todavÍa... ¡OhalÁ pudiera! (there is still one misspelling to fix)

En mi caso-hay que vivir hasta EL verano. :thumbsup:

I explained before that when there is no change in subject you should not have a secondary clause.
You correctly changed 'soy' to 'ser', but left the conjunction 'que' intact. The conjunction can't be there, since it is used to introduce a secondary clause and you don't want one (because there is no subject change).
Estoy muy orgulloso de ser = I'm very proud to be
Estoy muy orgulloso de ser = I'm very proud that I am
Both sentences mean the same thing, in both languages.

I believe you wanted to say:
I'm very proud to be the first friend you are writing to in Spanish.

¡Estoy muy orgulloso de ser el primer amigo a quien escribes en español!

You write 'to' someone, so that is why 'con' doesn't appear in the sentence.
The verb 'escribir' is conjugated. Your sentence had an infinitive with a suffixed indirect object pronoun 'te'. The 'to whom' (a quien) takes care of establishing the indirect object (el primer amigo).

You're welcome for the help. If you have questions, just ask.

Pasajero December 06, 2013 08:05 AM

Thank you Rusty!

I surrender! Please tell me what kind of mispelling are they?

b)The noun the adjective modifies is misspelled????? (The word 'dias' isn't spelled correctly.)

No tengo planes para las vacaciones todavÍa... ¡OhalÁ pudiera! (there is still one misspelling to fix)

Liquinn3 December 06, 2013 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pasajero (Post 145268)
No tengo planes para las vacaciones todavÍa... ¡OhalÁ pudiera!

There's a misspelling on the second to last word which still needs to be fixed.
Also, why is the "á" capitalised?

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