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DMV May 04, 2021 12:10 AM

Please help to identify correct sentence in Spanish.

Here is a snippet from episode 814 of a Spanish TV series (Servir y proteger) and I need some help to identify exactly what Lidia says in this sentence. The phrase starts at 27:02.

"Bueno, a ver. No es que San José fuera la NASA, pero al menos los equipos tienen menos de diez años."

First of all what is the verb that she is using in the second part of the sentence? And secondly, I'm hearing that she says "menos-a-diez" and not "menos-de-diez". Is it correct?

P.S. In subtitles they conveyed a general sense of the sentence but not the exact words.

Thank you.

Rusty May 04, 2021 05:17 AM

It's possible that the protagonist made a grammatical blunder (native speakers everywhere make mistakes when speaking), but I'll assume there wasn't a mistake made here and that she said 'menos de' instead of 'menos a', which wouldn't make any sense.

The subject in the second part of the sentence is 'los equipos' (the teams). The phrase used afterwards is describing how old (what age) something is (tener n años).

pero al menos los equipos tienen menos de diez años. = but at least the teams are less than 10 years old.

DMV May 04, 2021 10:16 AM

Thank you for your reply! "Los equipos" means the equipment, namely computers in this particular scene. So she refers to the fact that the computers at her old job (at the police station in San José) wasn't that old as this one here. But the main point is that I'm not hearing "TIENEN menos" I'm hearing something like "TRIA-menos...". Or is it just me? Also is tener really used here (as could be assumed knowing the tener N años expression) in Present Indicative? Particularly having in mind that the first part of the sentence was in Imperfect Subjunctive.

Thank you for any reply in advance!

Rusty May 04, 2021 12:57 PM

Thanks for providing some context I didn't have, since I did not listen to the episode.
And because I didn't listen to the show, I can't say what was said.
The clause in question has no subjunctive sense to it; it is indicative.

Perhaps another forum member has/wants access to the episode (via a download of the player application) and can be of more help.

Tomisimo May 04, 2021 02:07 PM

Here's what it says according to the transcript I found. Does the Spanish in the video not match the transcript?


Bueno, tecnología punta, ¿eh? No es que San José fuera la NASA, pero los equipos eran de esta década.
She's making fun of the computers, sarcastically calling them "cutting edge technology" and saying that although the San José station was no NASA, they at least had equipment from this decade.

Rusty May 04, 2021 02:54 PM

@Tomísimo: I also found the transcript, which looked at first like it's back-to-back statements, but then I realized that the two sentences are snippets, actual links, that end up placing you at two different sequences in the show, with more dialog occurring in between, but can't confirm it because I don't want to sign up and download their player. Other snippets around those two confirm that they are not the complete transcript, but are sequential links into the episode.

I was hoping someone from Spain already has access to the episodes, for those of us who don't want to download yet another application.

DMV May 04, 2021 02:58 PM

Yes, as I said in the initial post there is a discrepancy between the subtitles and the actual speech. Please listen to the track in the video. Then you will hear the difference. I understand the meaning but I would like to know what is the word she is saying - "tienen" or not. Anyway it doesn't sound like "tienen" to me. I actually hear an r-sound after t. But maybe it's her accent or fast speech. Anyway if anyone with good ear for Spanish could actually listen to the words in that sentence, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

DMV May 04, 2021 03:02 PM

Later I will try to make a recording from the video (of the part of interest) and provide an access to it via common storage space on the internet to make it easier for anyone who are willing to help me.

Rusty May 04, 2021 04:52 PM

If you can place the clip somewhere, you can attach the file using Manage Attachments, available in Additional Options in an Advanced Reply.

DMV May 05, 2021 12:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Unfortunately I can't add the video (mp4) this way but here is an audio (mp3) file with the fragment of the dialog. Hope this helps.

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