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Buscar: Mensajes Hechos Por: poiuyt
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 12:25 PM
Respuestas: 10
Visitas: 4,515
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with
1. Word:- coil
Pronunciation:- [koil]
Meaning(s):- va. Recoger, doblar en redondo; arrollar en espiral. Enrollar (rope, wire). To coil...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 12:16 PM
Respuestas: 3
Visitas: 3,133
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with
1. Word:- garrucho
Pronunciation:- [gar-roo'-cho]
Meaning(s):- m. (Naut.) Cringle, a sort of ring for a variety of uses on board of...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 12:14 PM
Respuestas: 14
Visitas: 3,585
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with
1. Word:- alias
Pronunciation:- [éi-lias]
Meaning(s):- adv. Alias, voz latina que significa de otro modo, de otra manera, o por otro...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 12:05 PM
Respuestas: 25
Visitas: 12,680
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- snob
Pronunciation:- [snob]
Meaning(s):- s. Esnob o snob, persona ignorante y jactanciosa.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:59 AM
Respuestas: 18
Visitas: 12,352
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- prepotente
Pronunciation:- [pray-po-ten’-tay]
Meaning(s):- a. 1 Very powerful.
2: Abusive of power over one’s inferiors.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:58 AM
Respuestas: 3
Visitas: 2,189
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- throttle
Pronunciation:- [zro-tel]
Meaning(s):- s.

1: Gaznate, garguero, traquiarteria.
2: (Mec.) Válvula de cuello o de...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:56 AM
Respuestas: 11
Visitas: 4,009
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- decadent
Pronunciation:- [de-ka-dent]
Meaning(s):- a. Decadente.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:55 AM
Respuestas: 14
Visitas: 15,151
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on<snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on<snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- tilde
Pronunciation:- [teel’-day]
Meaning(s):- f.

1: Tilde (sobre la ñ).
2: Accent (acento).
3: Dot or dash over a...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:53 AM
Respuestas: 11
Visitas: 3,521
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- brittle
Pronunciation:- [bri-tol]
Meaning(s):- a. Quebradizo, que con facilidad se quiebra (twigs, bones); frágil, precario...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:51 AM
Respuestas: 7
Visitas: 3,833
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they came up with 1. Word:- bystander
Pronunciation:- [bai-stan-dar]
Meaning(s):- s. Mirón, mirador; uno que está presente. They opened fire, killing...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:47 AM
Respuestas: 20
Visitas: 7,164
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- picaresca
Pronunciation:- [pe-cah-res’-cah]
Meaning(s):- f. A nest of rougues, meeting of knaves.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:45 AM
Respuestas: 4
Visitas: 1,941
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- jabato
Pronunciation:- [hah-bah’-to]
Meaning(s):- m. A young wild boar. -a.

1: Brave, bold. 2: (Carib. Mex.) Rude (grosero),...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:43 AM
Respuestas: 7
Visitas: 6,496
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said

1. Word:- bed and breakfast
Pronunciation:- [bed-and-brek-fast]
Meaning(s):- s. They do bed and breakfast, dan alojamiento y desayuno....
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:41 AM
Respuestas: 9
Visitas: 3,473
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up at <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up at <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- hobby
Pronunciation:- [jo-bi]
Meaning(s):- s.

1: (Fam.) La ocupación u objeto favorito de una persona.
2: Haca de Irlanda o de...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:40 AM
Respuestas: 3
Visitas: 3,006
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- cochambroso, sa
Pronunciation:- [co-cham-bro’-so, sah]
Meaning(s):- a. (Coll.) Nasty, filthy, stinking.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:37 AM
Respuestas: 6
Visitas: 1,914
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
2. Word:- seal
Meaning(s):- va.

1: Sellar, poner el sello sobre una cosa.
2: Sellar, estampar una cosa en otra.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:35 AM
Respuestas: 34
Visitas: 8,032
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- eavesdrop
Pronunciation:- [ivs-drop]
Meaning(s):- vn. Escuchar por la ventana lo que se habla dentro de la casa; escuchar a las...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:30 AM
Respuestas: 20
Visitas: 6,639
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they...

I looked it up on <snip> and this is what they said
1. Word:- pregonar
Pronunciation:- [pray-go-nar’]
Meaning(s):- va.

1: To proclaim in public places (proclamar).
2: To cry goods or...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 11:07 AM
Respuestas: 28
Visitas: 4,761
Escrito Por poiuyt
this is the definition that <snip> has. 1....

this is the definition that <snip> has.
1. Word:- malapropism
Pronunciation:- [ma-la-pro-pi-sem]
Meaning(s):- s. Despropósito lingüístico.
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 10:57 AM
Respuestas: 12
Visitas: 6,807
Escrito Por poiuyt
I looked it up in both english and spanish at...

I looked it up in both english and spanish at <snip> and this is what I got. in Spanish to English it says
1. Word:- vulgar
Pronunciation:- [vool-gar’]
Meaning(s):- a.

1: Vulgar (lengua),...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 10:53 AM
Respuestas: 12
Visitas: 3,971
Escrito Por poiuyt
i looked it up on <snip> and this is what came...

i looked it up on <snip> and this is what came up. 1. Word:- chalupa
Pronunciation:- [chah-loo’-pah]
Meaning(s):- f.

1: (Naut.) Shallop, launch, a small light vessel, a longboat.
2: (Mex.) A...
Foro: El vocabulario August 07, 2008, 10:52 AM
Respuestas: 5
Visitas: 10,685
Escrito Por poiuyt
I found trascabo at <snip> and this is what came...

I found trascabo at <snip> and this is what came up. 1. Word:- trascabo
Pronunciation:- [trahs-cah’-bo]
Meaning(s):- m. Trip, a trick by which a wrestler throws his antagonist.
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