Originally Posted by ChilenoAlemanCanada
Why didn't you call me? I would have helped you.
Yo la traduje así:
¿Por qué no me llamaste? Yo te hubiera ayudado.
La traducción del sitio fue:
¿Por qué no me llamaste? Yo te habría ayudado.
Mi pregunta es: En este caso, ¿son el imperfecto de subjuntivo y el condicional de haber intercambiables? Por lo que sé, ambas conjugaciones pueden decir would have pero no estoy seguro, porque cada traducción donde puse hubiera para decir would have, la repuesta del sitio dijo habría.
Por favor ayúdenme.
It's the same when you're talking of past events. The conditional is preferred in part of Spain; it's understood everywhere and it has the advantage that you can built conditional sentences in a uniform way. The imperfect subjunctive is preferred in most América and it has the advantage of the time stamp -the past-. Using one doesn't exclude the other one. If you have to take an exam, inquire the preferences in the faculty. "Habría" tends to be the safer choice in exams everywhere, not because it's better, but because some -now past- tendency to consider the norms of Spain as applicable to all the Spanish speaking world.