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Old December 10, 2011, 10:05 PM
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Rusty Rusty is offline
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Originally Posted by fontana View Post
"I believe in songs that hold back the hit just on time and the time suddenly" (This doesn't make sense in English.)

Creo en las canciones que detienen el golpe a tiempo... (This makes sense, and has a translation.)

Just imagine that you don't have escape to receive something painful and how certain songs can avoid that (I don't understand this sentence. You can write it in Spanish and I'll understand it.) certain songs can stop the time suddenly (This makes sense, and has a translation.)...

I think we are almost done. Right?
No, no entiendo cómo vas a llegar a una traducción fiel con las palabras originales. Si quieres decir que las canciones detienen ...
1) el golpe a tiempo, y
2) el tiempo de golpe.
¿Por qué no lo escribes así?

Creo en las canciones que detienen el golpe a tiempo y (que detienen) el tiempo de golpe.

Si he entendido bien, he aquí una traducción:
I believe in songs that stop life's blows in the nick of time and make time stop suddenly.

Last edited by Rusty; December 10, 2011 at 10:41 PM. Reason: highlighted material and reworded for clarity