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Old September 13, 2023, 08:30 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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I agree with Rusty.

Originally Posted by deandddd View Post
But why is the preposition "a" used in a rougher context? And why is "de" used in a polite and thoughtful context?
So "despedir a alguien" means to say goodbye to someone who is leaving a place, voluntarily or not. This is a direct, not necessarily harsh, action of the verb.

- Ayer despedimos a mi abuelo, que murió de un infarto.
Yesterday we said goodbye to my grandfather, who died from a heart attack. -> My grandfather left for good this world and we had a ceremony to honor him.

- Con lágrimas los estudiantes despidieron a su maestro, que se retiró de la profesión después de veinte años.
The students were sad and cried when their teacher retired. -> The teacher left his profession and the children were sad to see him go.

- Despedí al contador porque me estaba robando.
I fired my accountant because he was stealing from me. -> I let my accountant go away before he kept on stealing money.

On the other hand "despedirse de alguien" means to say goodbye to someone when we are leaving.
- Mi abuelo se despidió de nosotros cuando supo que estaba enfermo.
My grandfather said goodbye to us before dying, as he knew he was leaving this world.

- El maestro se despidió de sus estudiantes después de veinte años de trabajo.
After 20 years working as a teacher, he decided to say goodbye to his students.

- Tengo que irme y Juan no ha regresado. Por favor despídeme de él y dile que lo quiero mucho.
I have to go and Juan hasn't come back. I cannot wait for him. Please say goodbye from me to him and tell him I love him.
-> In this last sentence, since I'm leaving and cannot say goodbye myself to a person who is not there, I'm asking someone to say goodbye from me to that person.

- Oye, Juan, Ana se fue temprano. Me dijo que la despidiera de ti y que te dijera que te quiere mucho.
Ana has left the place and asked her friend to say goodbye to Juan from her, since she can't say goodbye herself to him.

- Ya nos vamos, papá. Voy al jardin a despedirme de mi mamá. ¡Niños, vengan a despedirse de su abuelo!
Dad, we are leaving now. I'm going to the garden to say goodbye to mom. Children, come and say goodbye to your grandfather!

In sum, "despedirse de alguien" not only implies the notion of movement but it is an expression of politeness before going away, while "despedir a alguien" means to see/make them leave, so there is no movement implied.
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