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Old February 22, 2024, 09:07 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
Lately, the difference between both tenses is disappearing, mostly in South America, but there is actually a different meaning:

- Mi madre me dijo que nunca envidie a nadie. -> This is a principle that is valid for me today and for the future as well, in case I meet someone that would have something I would like to have.
- Mi madre me dijo que nunca envidiara a nadie. -> She told me this in the past, even if I still live by it. I might just think I will never be jealous of anyone, no matter what they have.

Some more examples:
- Te pedí que no le digas a nadie. -> I asked you before not to tell anyone, and you still might tell, so I'm asking you again not to tell.
- Te pedí que no le dijeras a nadie. -> You already told someone else what I asked you to keep to yourself.

- Abrí la puerta para que entren. -> I opened the door for someone who would come in as I opened it, but someone may still come in.
- Abrí la puerta para que entraran. -> Someone was supposed to come in in the past and I opened the door for them. I don't expect anyone else to arrive.

- Te castigué para que aprendas. -> I expect you will learn something from being grounded.
- Te castigué para que aprendieras. -> I expected you had learned something from having been grounded, but I see you didn't.

Some cases when it's plain wrong to mix past and present:
- Esperábamos que des dieras tu opinión.
- No sabía que conozcas conocieras la ciudad.
-> In these cases, the imperfect calls for the past subjunctive. It won't admit the present.
- Se fue sin que le digas dijeras nada. -> Here, there is no possibility that you can say anything to someone who is already gone, so no present.
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