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Old May 23, 2007, 08:00 PM
celador celador is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 99
celador is on a distinguished road
I love this song sung by Nat King Cole (the writer it's Antonio Machin) By Antonio Machin or Written by ... or it's author is...


Here is my translation to English.

Those Green Eyes

Those were your eyes that gave me
the sweet subject of my song.
Your clear, calm, green eyes,
eyes that have been my inspiration.

The calm glance of those green eyes,
they let in my eternal soul thirst love,
yearnings of caresses, of kisses and tenderness;
of all the sweetness known to offer.

Those calm green eyes,
like a lake in whose quiet waters
one day I watched (saw) myself.
They do not know the sadness
they *(that it) left in my soul,
those green eyes that I never will forget.

* que en mi alma han dejado / -that in my soul has left . Subject of the sentence here is sadness Sadness that it (seeing myself in your eyes) left in my soul. This idea is said better in the Spanish and doesn't lend itself well to translation. Best said in English is They (those green eyes) do not know the sadness they left in my soul.

Amaría oír la música a esto. Es una lírica encantadora muy amoroso.

Last edited by celador; May 23, 2007 at 08:30 PM.
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