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Old April 14, 2009, 12:06 PM
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Fazor Fazor is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Middle of Ohio, USA
Posts: 626
Native Language: American English
Fazor is on a distinguished road
I'll probably be totally wrong on this (don't worry, some good help will come along shortly ) but I think you can use either:

Te quiero presentar.
Quiero presentarte.

If I'm getting any of this conjugation stuff right, I think you only ever conjugate the first verb, then leave the following one in the infinitive form. When using a reflexive verb with two verbs, you can either put the pronoun object first, or add it to the end of the second (infinitive form) verb.

Again, I could be totally wrong.

Edit: Oh, and I nearly forgot. Welcome!
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