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Old February 20, 2010, 01:54 PM
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Question One sentence from a video

I have mentioned that I am using videos from to help me with my listening comprehension. Most of the videos come with a Spanish transcription, and an English translation.

In the video I've just been listening to, about purchasing clothing, the following were given for the last sentence given by the speaker as the Spanish transcription and the English translation:

Spanish: Nadie le va a dar un premio por pasar un examen, pero comprarse un regalito a ninguna persona le viene mal, ¿no?

English: No one is going to give you a reward for passing an exam, but buying yourself a gift, who doesn't like that, right?

I get the first part, I'm not so sure I follow.
- "comprarse"? Does using "se" with "comprar" make it something that one does to oneself? So if I buy myself a gift, I say "me compro un regalo"? Etc.?
- "a nunguna person le viene mal"?? This is the part that I really don't get. Does that really translate to (roughly) "who doesn't like that"?

- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
Específicamente quiero recibir ayuda con el español de latinoamerica. ¡Muchísimas gracias!
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