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Old January 26, 2013, 10:25 AM
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Rusty Rusty is online now
Señor Speedy
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Hola, hoy voy a hablar de mis vacaciones.

Hace dos anos con mí familia y yo fuímos a Espana. Me aloje (this verb should agree with the subject you used in the previous sentence) en un parador, pero era bastante barato. ¡Que Raro!

El primer día en Español fuímos al centro commercial a mirar (los) escaparates. Tuvería mas dinero habria gustado comprador mas cosas (see below) – pero lo que no cuesta dínero siempre es bueno. Después de eso hicimos alpinismo y fuímos a la playa porque hemos queríamos nadar en el mar. (missing punctuation)Lo mejor de la playa era que era (this is where the conjugation of 'hacer' belongs) demasiado hizo calor!

Para mí, (missing punctuation)me gustado comer en (you wrote 'food' in your English version) espana porque es (tense agreement) muy saludable! ¡Ensalada, hamburguesa, pollo y mas! Sin embargo(missing punctuation) (missing punctuation)era muy caro!
I marked what needs fixed in red, and have given you a few hints in purple. (There's an 'Accents' drop-down menu just above where you type that can be used to insert the special characters, like the 'ñ' in 'año'. Without the right letter, it's a totally different word. )

"If I had more money" - This clause is subjunctive in nature (if you don't have something, the subjunctive mood is needed to express that). The imperfect subjunctive form of the verb is required.
"I would have liked" - This clause has a verb in the perfect conditional (it contains the helping verb 'have' and a past participle). The same conjugation exists in Spanish.
This site has a verb conjugator. At the top left-hand side of each page, you'll see a dialog box that has 'Search' written in it. Replace that with 'conj:tener' to get the conjugations for the verb 'tener'.
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