Thread: Bilingualism
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Old May 31, 2008, 10:38 AM
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CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo is offline
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Hello, friends.

I think about this thread, that probably, when the child is in a stage very hearly, the child learn the languages that his parests is speaking in the moment, because, I think it, that if the parents of the child, they speaking two language and the child the hear them, the child will learn both language, because the child in very intelligent, when is very young, the child need learn some words for that, he need give some things, as water, milk, ect.., then if the child still, he doesn't learn not any language, he cannot communicate with his parents, then the child has problems for learn not only the language if in a lot of things, and the child need help professional.

I hope all you be well.

I await your corrections.

I will see you the monday again have a good weekend in your countries,bye, bye

Last edited by CrOtALiTo; May 31, 2008 at 10:43 AM.
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