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Old March 16, 2017, 04:42 AM
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pjt33 pjt33 is offline
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Originally Posted by lordhelmit View Post
I've been listening to Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal audio book while at work (search for it on YouTube to hear how it sounds) and also been reading the physical copy at home. It's been more than 4 months since I've started trying to really learn Spanish, but I still just cannot understand spoken spanish.
After four months learning my first foreign language I think I could ask for directions around La Rochelle and that was about it. If you're able to read a novel (and even if it's a "children's book", it was written for people who've been learning the language by full immersion for about 11 years) and get the gist, I think you're doing very well.

Yes, it's frustrating not being able to understand people the first time, or struggling to find the word you need. That becomes less frequent with time, but it never goes away. I've been learning Spanish now for over 20 years and I've spent almost 10 years in total in Spanish-speaking countries, but I still regularly look a fool. You just have to learn to live with it.
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