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Old September 14, 2009, 03:37 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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"Volverse", "hacerse", "ponerse", "convertirse en" mean mostly the same, but they are not perfectly exchangeable all the time. I don't seem to be able to find a rule to say when to use each one of them; however, I'd say that "volverse", "hacerse", "convertirse en" imply a transformation due to an effort or to an external process. "Ponerse" seems to rather refer to a spontaneous change.

I'll let someone with more technical knowledge tell more, but maybe the next examples will help you get the "feeling" to use them.

Darth Vader se volvió/hizo malo porque el lado negativo de la Fuerza lo dominó.
Darth Vader became bad because the dark side of the Force dominated him.

Darth Vader se puso furioso cuando supo que había planetas rebeldes.
Darth Vader was furious when he knew about the rebel planets.

Darth Vader se volvió/convirtió en la mano derecha del emperador.
Darth Vader became the right-hand of the Emperor.

Mi hijo, al que conociste de niño, se hizo/volvió/convirtió en médico.
My son, the one you met as a child, became a doctor.

Con tanto tiempo que pasábamos juntos, Juan y yo nos hicimos/convertimos en novios.
With so much time we spent together, Juan and I got together.

Los renacuajos se vuelven/hacen/convierten en ranas cuando crecen.
Pollywogs become frogs as they grow up.

Pedro se puso violento cuando le dije que era feo.
Pedro became violent when I told him he was ugly. (I wonder why)

Mi perico se puso contento cuando lo saqué de la jaula.
My parrot was happy when I took it out of the cage.

Me puse como loca/me volví loca cuando no encontraba mis llaves.
I went crazy when I couldn't find my keys.

Con el alcohol, la gente se vuelve imprudente. María se puso muy necia cuando estaba borracha.
With alcohol people become imprudent. María was acting so foolish when she was drunk.

Las cintas magnéticas se ponen/vuelven/hacen pegajosas con el calor.
Magnetic tapes become sticky with the heat.

Hay personas que se vuelven/convierten en lobos cuando hay luna llena.
There are people who become wolves when there is a full-moon.

La telenovela se puso/volvió más interesante cuando mataron a la heroína.
The soap-opera became more interesting when they killed the heroine.

Este perro se volvió/hizo/convirtió en mi único compañero cuando me fui de casa.
This dog became my only companion when I left home.

Cuando me dio hepatitis, me puse amarilla.
When I had hepatitis, I turned yellow.

Siempre que tengo que hablar en público, me pongo muy nerviosa.
Every time I have to talk in public I get very nervous.

El hada-madrina convirtió ratones en caballos.
The god-fairy changed mice into horses.

El carro de la Cenicienta se volvió/convirtió en calabaza a la media noche.
Cinderella's car turned into a pumpkin at midnight.

Mis plantas se ponen/vuelven más verdes cuando reciben más sol.
My plants become greener as they get more sun.

Te pusiste colorado: ¿te molesta que diga malas palabras?
You blushed: do you get bothered when I say bad words?

Nos pusimos muy tristes cuando se murió el gato.
We were very sad when the cat died.

Lupe se puso pálida cuando vio al fantasma.
Lupe was pale when she saw the ghost.

Si quieres volverte/ponerte fuerte como Popeye, tienes que comer espinacas.
If you want to become as strong as Pop-eye, you have to eat spinach.

De tanto comer, me volví/puse gordo.
I became fat from eating so much.

Ana se volvió guapa con la cirugía.
Ana became pretty with surgery.

Ana se puso guapa con los años.
Ana became pretty over the years.

Ana se convirtió en una mujer guapa con los años. ("Una mujer" is necessary here "se convirtió en guapa" sounds strange.)
Ana became a pretty woman over the years.

Ana se hizo/volvió guapa con puro maquillaje.
Ana became pretty only with make-up.

Mi padre se volvió/se hizo pesimista cuando su partido político fue reprimido.
My father became a pessimist when his political party was repressed.
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...
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