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Old July 29, 2017, 05:37 AM
michal michal is offline
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post

Pronouns used with pronominal verbs are always called reflexive pronouns, but a purely pronominal verb will have a reflexive pronoun that agrees in person with the verb even though the action is NOT reflexive or reciprocal.

Here are some purely pronominal verbs (not reflexive, not reciprocal):
acordarse (to remember)
arreglarse (to get ready)
dormirse (to fall asleep)
hacerse (to become)
irse (to leave, go away)
ponerse (to put on)
Just to see if I understood: In pronominal verbs, I can use a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se..?) and there will a change in the meaning, but the action will not become reflexive? for example:
dormirse - to fall asleep. and dormir - sleep ?
hacerse - to become, hacer - to do ?
irse - to leave, ir - to go.
ponerse - to put on. poner - to put.
(i looked for the meanings in the spanishdict website)

So I guess the change in meaning is not random it has some kind of consistency that I didn't figure out?
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