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Old March 07, 2010, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by bobjenkins View Post
1) A David y Juan les molestaron levantarse temprano (Cuando se usa un objeto indirecto se debe usar la "a" personal / when using an indirect object, use the personal "a"

It is the act of waking up early that bothers David and Juan, so "molestar" is conjugated in the third person singular. (Molesta).
Es la acción de "levantarse temprano" que les molesta "A David y Juan", por eso el verbo molestar debe ser conjugado en la tercera personal singular.

2) A Lucía le encantan las películas de terror. (same error as number 1 )

3) (No estoy seguro de eso. no entiendo porque usa el maestro "todos" y "nosotros".
"A todos les importa la educación"o "(A nosotros) Nos importa la educación"

Education is important to everybody or Education is important to us

4) Tú te aburre ves la televisión.
It bores you to watch television
(A ti) te aburre ver la televisión.

Si tienes preguntas , pídame

Bob, let him/her post that in the student's/homework's forum, Rusty and Angelica will guide them. You just did his/her homework, and although he/she did venture a version, Rusty and Angelica will give guidance without giving away the answers.

oops, I just noticed it was the correct forum. Anyway, do not give the answer. ;-)
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