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Old June 20, 2017, 11:59 PM
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Bobbert Bobbert is offline
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Te Insto A Que / Te Pido Que

I assume the following sentences are correct since I have seen them written this way:

Te insto a que reconsideres.
Le insto a que tome una decisión.

Te pido que lo pienses.
Le pido que lo acepte.

If the above sentences are written correctly, I don’t understand why “te” and “le” are used before the words “insto” and “pido.” Can the same sentences be correctly written and understood as:

Insto a que (tú) reconsideres.
Insto a que (usted) tome una decisión.

Pido que (tú) lo pienses.
Pido que (usted) lo acepte.

Grammar is not my strong point, so I hope someone who knows grammar can explain why “te” and “le” are written before the verbs and/or if they are necessary before the verbs.

Is there a grammar rule that addresses this?
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