Thread: A un o no a un
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Old February 24, 2017, 01:02 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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The construction "tener coche" is possible because it corresponds to a social stereotype or something that may be somehow generalized, characteristics or habits shared by many subjects:
- ¿Tienes perro?
- Nunca uso abrigo.
- Ya nadie lleva sombrero.
- El edificio tiene calefacción.

However, if you were talking about a characteristic that cannot be generalized, you must use an article:
- Juan tiene una serpiente. (While many people have a dog, it's not common to have a snake.)
- El edificio tiene una grieta en la pared. (Every building can have a heating system, but not every building has a crack on a wall.)
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...
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