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Old August 06, 2013, 10:12 PM
IgnisDiv IgnisDiv is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
Posts: 6
Native Language: Castellano (Venezolano)
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I'm fairly certain that this depends entirely on the culture, and all your phrases are correct anyway, but I'll give you my opinion.

For the first two-
I'd use the second one, since the first sounds too formal for the context. Personally, I'd prefer to ask '¿Qué tal tu fin de semana?'.

For the second two phrases- they don't mean the same. '¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?' means 'What are you doing right know?' (as in right now specifically) whereas the other question is more broad, as in 'What are your plans for today?'.

For the third set of phrases, I'd prefer to use the first one, but that is mostly because (at least for my particular accent) pronouncing 'harás' before 'mañana' feels a little awkward (despite being shorter than the alternative).

Hope that helped- and again, this seems to depend more on culture. I'm sure someone from a different country would have different answers.
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