Thread: Que/ de que
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Old May 29, 2009, 01:02 AM
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irmamar irmamar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Native Language: EspaƱol
irmamar is on a distinguished road
The verb to frown means "mirar con malos ojos", in the sense of "estar en desacuerdo".

I think that when you're learning a language, you should learn the rules of this language. For instance, I know that in English "wanna" and "gonna" are some common words, but I prefer use "want to" and "going to" instead the first ones. Both Spanish and English have a lot of speakers and almost each town or village speaks in a different way, we're not able to know all the ways. So, the best thing is studying the standar and the rules as they have been established. So, I agree with the RAE and I try to speak and write the best Spanish I'm able to. And I'd like to do the same with English. Well, that's my opinion, others will have another one.
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