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Old November 15, 2006, 10:26 AM
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Re: quiero and the subjunctive

Good question pogo.

It's like this- When the person who's doing the "wanting" is the same person who's actually going to do the action, then you don't use subjunctive.

"Quiero ir al cine"- I want to go to the movies- I'm doing the wanting and I'm the one who would go.

"Quiero que (el) vaya al cine"- I want him to go to the movies- I'm doing the wanting, but I want someone else to do the action.
Note- "vaya" in this sentence and *only* refer to him/her/usted it cannot by "yo" because you only use the subjunctive when the "wanter" and the "wanted" are different people. You could say:
"Quiere que vaya al cine" and that would be He/She wants me to go to the movies.

¿Quiere que lo haga? would be "Do you want/would you like me to do it?"

"El quería que yo hiciera algo" (past subjunctive)- He wanted me to do something- The subject and object are different people.
"El quería hacer algo"- He wanted to do something- Subject and object are the same person

Let me know if that makes sense, if not I'll keep on explaining.
If you find something wrong with my Spanish, please correct it!
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