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Old March 10, 2009, 08:32 AM
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chileno chileno is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
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chileno is on a distinguished road
Todos ustedes. All of you.

OK, all of those who can understand this, and still think that need help with English, should start by buying a novel (best seller) of your favorite theme, love, mystery, horror etc., buy also several notebooks. Have by your side a couple of bilingual and English-English dictionaries and start transcribing the novel. As you go along, looking for the words you do not understand, should also read aloud the text, if possible record and listen to yourself.

I can assure you that by the end of the novel you will have improved your writing, reading and speaking skills several folds. :-)

And for free!

Caution: The novel you buy has to be of your complete liking, so that it is a pleasure for you to read, else it would be a drag to complete the task at hand. :-)

Good luck on this endeavor.

Todos aquellos que entiendan esto y piensan que necesitan todavia ayuda para el español, debieran comenzar por comprar una novela de su tema favorito, amor, misterio, terror etc., y comprar tambien varios cuadernos. Tener al lado varios diccionarios bilingues y español- español y comenzar en transcribir la novela. Al ir avanzando, buscando por la palabras que no entienden, debieran tambien leer en voz alta, si es posible grabarse y escucharse a ustedes misma/os.

Les puedo asegurar que para qcuando acaben la novela, van haber mejorado sus habilidades tanto de lectura, escritura y el hablar español.

Y gratis!

Precaucion: La novela que compres tiene que ser de tu completo agrado, para que sea un placer el leer, de otra manera seria un problema completar este trabajo.

Buena suerte con esta aventura. :-)

Perdon por la pobre redaccion.
Excuse my poor word composition.
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