Thread: Unas preguntas
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Old September 26, 2013, 07:19 AM
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chileno chileno is offline
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chileno is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by jellybabe View Post
Cómo se dice

"They were playing at the beach and they were burying their shoes in the sand and they lost Lucas shoes."

"Estaban jugando en la playa y estaban enterrando sus zapatos en la arena y perdieron los zapatos de Lucas"

" It wasn't your average weekend"

"No fue tu fin de semana típico"

"He got locked in the toilet" "se quedó cerrado en el aseo" ***

"I think that you think that he speaks better than in reality he does"

"Pienso que tú piensas que habla mejor de lo que en realidad_lo hace/habla"

"Thank goodness that our friend who is a lawyer was there because if not, my parents wouldn't have known what they were signing"

"Menos mal que una amiga nuestra quién es abogada estaba, porque si no mis padres no habrían/hubieran sabido lo que estaban firmando"

aseo, lavabo, baño (the last one is the one most used)
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