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Old July 06, 2011, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by CobaltStymie View Post
1. Los panes de Jose son muy duro y moreno, pero voy a comer esos por lo.
Jose's bread is very hard and brown, but I'll eat it for him. (The singular subject here is bread, but your translation says 'breads'. In the Spanish translation adjectives don't agree in number. Either change the subject or change the adjectives.)('For him' is not correctly used. This is an advanced topic we can save for later, when the sentence is more complete.)

2. Prefiero mis embutidos largo y con mucho sal.
I prefer my sausages large and with a lot of salt. (It wouldn't be normal to say 'my sausages' in Spanish. Use a definite article. Watch the adjective agreement - twice.)

3. El Marisco de la plaza del centro mexico es maravilloso a comer.
The Seafood at the plaza in central mexico is marvelous to eat. (I would caution that central Mexico has many plazas. You may want to rephrase. There is no preposition needed before comer.)

4. Creo que es necesario a morir la verdadura antes comemos las.
I believe we have to kill the vegetables before we eat them. (There is no preposition needed after necesario. The word morir is not the right word. The English sentence says 'vegetables'. The translation doesn't. 'Before' is a preposition, and it consists of two words in Spanish. The word that follows a preposition is a noun. So, choose the noun form of 'eat'. Hint: it's the infinitive. The direct object pronoun las is suffixed to the infinitive.)

On a scale of one through ten?
Good try! Rewrite the sentences using the hints I gave. If you have questions, feel free to ask them.
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